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They arrive back at the Toretto household before getting out of the cab. Zoe rolls her eyes as she notices a party going on in the house.
"Take care," Brian calls as Zoe and Dom start making their way up to the house.
"He saved us, we could at least repay him with a beer," Zoe tells Dom who nods.
"Yo, Spilner," Dom calls causing the blonde to look at them. "You want a beer?"
"Sure," Brian says as Zoe disappears inside. Dom walks in behind her and they stop as they notice Vince playing guitar, Letty playing a video game, and Leon with a girl in his lap, all without a care in the world as to where they had been. Leon freezes as he sees them before Dom starts making his way over to Leon, causing Letty to look up at Zoe and Dom.
"Yo, Dom, Zoe. We were just about to go looking for you," Leon says quickly before Dom knocks his beer out of his hand. Dom starts making his way over to Vince.
"Where were you?" Dom asks Vince as he sets the guitar to the side.
"There were mass cops there. They came from every direction. That shit was orchestrated," Vince answers him causing Zoe to roll her eyes once again.
"This your beer?" Dom asks as he grabs the beer in front of Vince.
"Yeah, that's my beer," Vince answers as Dom walks away.
"You both alright?" Letty asks as Dom goes to pass her and Zoe stands beside her.
"Am I alright?" Dom asks sarcastically.
"It was just a question," Letty retorts as Zoe notices Brian by the door.
"Yo, Dom, Zoe. Why'd you bring the buster here?" Vince asks.
"Because the buster kept me and Zoe out of handcuffs," Dom yells back causing Vince to shut up. "He didn't just run back to the fort. The buster brought us back."
"You can have any brew you want, as long as it's a Corona," Dom says as Dom holds out some beers to Brian. Brian takes a beer. "That's Vince's so enjoy it." Vince gives Dom a 'really' look before they watch Brian clean the top of the bottle with his shirt then taking a drink.
"Hey, buddy. You got a bathroom?" Brian asks as Vince glares at them.
"Yeah, upstairs. First door on the right," Dom answers him. Brian disappears upstairs as Dom sits down and Zoe goes to find Mia. Zoe finds Mia in her room doing her homework.
"I need your help, Mia," Zoe says causing Mia to look up at her. "Brian is here and I need your help dealing with Vince." Mia nods before they head downstairs.
"Did you wipe the seat?" They hear Vince ask causing Zoe to roll her eyes.
"Jesus Christ! Would you cut this shit? Come on!" Zoe says as she shoves Vince away from Brian. "Come on. Let's go get me a drink." Zoe pulls Brian towards the kitchen while Mia pulls Vince to the living room.
"So, what do you want?" Brian asks Zoe as they walk into the kitchen.
"Anything, as long as it's cold," Zoe answers with a smile as she leans against a counter. "You know, Dom likes you. He usually doesn't like anybody."
"He's a complicated guy," Brian says as he walks over to her.
"Yeah? What about you?" Zoe asks as he walks over to her and puts an arm behind her back causing her to smile at the closeness.
"I'm simpler," Brian answers her with a smile.
"You're a shitty liar," Zoe tells him.
"Well, I'll take that as a compliment," Brian says causing Zoe to giggle.
"But there's a problem," Zoe says with a smile.
"What's that?" Brian asks her as they stare into each other's eyes.
"You need to get some sleep. And you definitely, definitely need a shower," Zoe answers him with a smirk. "Come on. I'll take you home."

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