Chapter Three: My Room

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Hello guys

The next weekly update for ya'll!

Hope you like and enjoy!


As we made our way to our new house, my parents were driving in front of me so I wouldn't get lost as I could see their red Range Rover over every other car as we were leaving civilisation there wasn't much traffic at all only the odd car passing by.

As I peered out the window in front I could see the beautiful landscape ahead where there's only trees and forest for miles ahead.

Through the trees I could see movement.

As I watched... I realised it looked like... a wolf, and it didn't shock me as I knew there would be animals around nature.

I watched the animal from the corner of my eye as I took glances now and then when I wasn't concentrating on driving.

The wolf was still going it looked like it was following us or heading in the same direction we were headed.

I decided to ignore it and kept driving behind my parents.

I didn't want to become paranoid, what do I know about wolves, it's most definitely, probably not following us!


After an hour or so of listening to music and singing along to 'Bang Bang', my parents pulled off of the main road to the right.

We drove down a road and though a clearing in the forest and we kept driving deeper and deeper into the forest.

I felt the need to look to my sides as we drove noticing the handful of wolves on either side of our vehicles which I could see were peering from behind trees as we carried on along the road until we reached a large house that was situated just past the perimeter of the forest entrance, where it opened out into a lovely green field that surrounded the house.

As we drove closer, there was a drive and garage at the front of the house near the porch door where we pulled up and got out to look at the house admiring it's natural and serene beauty.

I glanced around the area listening to the sounds and smells looking around me and taking in my surroundings.

I could just about hear shuffling and almost growling noises from the forest the cascaded behind me and lead on for miles as I had just drove straight through some of it.

After turning to ignore it as it's just the natural sounds of wild life and it made this even better.

"I love it, it's exactly what my dream home would look like and be, and now I'm actually here!" I exclaimed to my parents earning a grin from my dad and a giggle from my mom.

I looked towards the house and realised that my mom and dad had already disappeared into the building ahead of me whilst I was admiring again and practically fan hurling just how perfect it was as if I had already been here as it got my description down to a T.

As soon as I remembered the wolves from before I practically sped walked into the house.

I am quite shy as I never really had friends where we lived as I mainly kept to myself and read about romances and school drama than having to put myself through living it.

Oh, and did I mention how much I love to read, as you already know I prefer to be on my own, as I have yet to find enjoyment spending time with others.

When I reached my parents they were already settled in the kitchen and brewing some coffee which was perfect, as I needed a boost of caffeine so I had the energy to unpack before bed time.

I took the chance to walk around the house and check out the rooms.

After looking around at the hand crafted furniture and homey but old feel to the house, I realised that this must be old and expensive but it was all what I would have had to furnish this house and it just seemed to real to be true.

The house seems ancient and dusty but massive and beautiful, jus what I wanted.

Family portraits hung on the walls and the fully furnished house with old expensive furniture laced every inch of the building I realised after my extensive search through the mansion like place.

For some reason I felt like I belonged here, and like I finally felt a connection to a house to actually call it my home.

I stalked up the stairs to the second floor and went from room to room, before settling my eyes on a massive double door that was painted in white and made it stand out against all the other doors as they were all painted a dark brown wood colour and this door like the furniture vanished Dow stairs, were hand carved and had a beautiful pattern carved around the edges of the door.

As I reached for the door handle I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and gasped releasing my grip and taking a shocked step back.

Before placing my hand on the door knob and turning it to open the doors I released a shaky breath to gather my wits before pushing through the shivers that enveloped my body as I stood in the entrance way.

When I looked inside there was no light enabling me to see, so I walked through carefully feeling the walls as to not bump into things and opened the long curtains to allow the light to seep into the room.

Unlike the rest of the house this room wasn't dusty and looked as if it had been used recently.

I took one good look around me twirling to get a good view.

Smirking proudly, I realised that this room was a library.

I immediately saw myself using this room everyday there is a massive selection of books to choose from and most of them being romance books on one side of the library and the other half was scholar books ranging from maths to ancient history.

I decided this would be my space to relax and enjoy my life, my new life.

I walked out of the room and walked next door to the library to open another set of double doors which lead to a massive bedroom with a walking closet, a really big and posh on sweet bathroom and the bed that was bigger than a king size, it looks like it must have been handmade judging by the size it was a one of a kind being a four poster bed with white lace curtains draped around it covering the bed sheets from the dust.

I loved it, this room was definitely mine.


Thank you everyone who has read my works so far!

I am trying really hard to make sure my writing styles includes more speech and am hoping that if you have any comments please leave them and I will reply!

And please vote for my chapters of you liked them, if I can reach at least 5 votes I will update early!

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