Chapter Seven: Mating?

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Hey guys I know I messed up I'm so sorry hope you all like it and hope it helps clear up some queries.


Chapter Seven....


I attempted a peak out of the blanket, before Shane took the chance to pull it off me climbing on top of the bed slowly making his way like a predictor towards me instead.

I felt the need to reach out and continue to stroke his soft hair and muscular body.

"What's your name?"

I felt appalled at myself as I hadn't told him my name yet.

"My name is...."

Chapter Seven.....

" name I mean it's Amelia."

"Why were you sleeping with me? I'm just curious as you don't know me and I'm pretty sure I would remember you!" I asked Shane.

He seemed to be thinking for a while before he replied.

He was sitting cross legged on the bed looking into my eyes. He reached out and took my hands in his which caused the electric shocks to coarse through my hands.

All we could do was sit staring into one another's eyes as I felt a connection to him, a pull that off as constant and no matter what I do or think it's still there.

We pulled away by the sound of someone knocking on the door. As Shane gets up to go to the door I then get the chance to look around the room and realise I am in fact in my room so why would my parents let a strange man stay in my room? Not that I'm complaining at all. But they have always been overprotective parents.

Thanks to my heightened senses I was able to distinguish that the person at the door was in fact my mother and I could hear their conversation.

"She has just woken up I haven't told her anything yet really, just my name. The rest is up to you until you tell her I cannot, it's not my place to say anything as she's your daughter." Shane was saying.

After a few short moments of my mother who must have been deliberating or mulling over what he had said, she said. "I know but there are things you and her don't know, things we must now tell her...there are few ways this can play out and I'm not sure how she will late the news, honestly I'm hoping she will be fine and is able to accept the truth." My mom answered.

This seemed enough of a conversation for both of them as they stepped into the room and then realised I was looking at them strangely, probably realising I overheard their conversation.

I was yet again left in the dark with secrets and lies. I jut want to know the truth!

'But can you handle the truth?'

My inner voice said. Wait inner voice, that's never happened before. I mean sure I think to myself but I have a feeling that the voice has a mind of its own.

When I hear the voice there's a tingling feeling in my heart and for some unexplainable reason it calms me knowing that the voice is there.

'Who are you?' I asked waiting to see if I can get a reply from the voice.

'My name is Sky and I am your wolf'

'My what? So you mean what happened was real? It wasn't a dream I went through that painful ordeal and I turned into.....a-a.......wo-wolf?'

'Yes you did, I am your wolf, we are the same being as I live inside you, I am your other self- other half of you will'.

'So does this mean I'm a werewolf?'

'.......yes it does'

After the strange conversation with myself I then remembered my mother and Shane in the room and looked up at them.

They were both watching me carefully as if wondering why I am quiet and by the looks on their faces they knew.

"Are you ok?" My mother asked me.

I just looked at her and gave her the one eye brow look, you know the one that says 'really, you are kidding right?'

She just shook off the look and began talking again. "I'm sorry we never told you sooner, your father and I have done and kept things from you to protect you... I'm now realising that maybe it did the opposite".

I felt angry all of a sudden and I couldn't keep it in any more. "What have you kept from me? I mean besides the obvious kept secret?" I hissed at her making her take a few steps back and Shane moved towards me provably noticing my feelings and hurt. He came and sat on the bed pulling me into his lap holding me close.

My mother seemed to be thinking something over in her head. After the 5 or so minutes she looked at me meeting my eyes "we should wait for your father to get back he's just gone to get some shopping." She said before nodding at Shane and leaving the room.

For some reason I felt frustrated and I just wanted to cry. Shane spent the whole time I say on his lap bawling into his neck rubbing patterns on my back and leg soothingly.

For some reason he was the only thing/ person that felt real. The one thing I knew was real and could count on to be there for me.

After crying and thinking of Shane I realised I've only known Shane for a day or so, and he's slept in my room with me snd is now comforting me like I'm fragile and someone he wants to protect and care for.

Why do I feel so at peace and at home when I'm around him? Why woe I let a guy I barely know see me like this?

'He's our mate, he is always here to comfort us when we need him!' A voice retorted.

Wait I recognise the voice the one that spoke to my mind, oh right Sky, I feel bad for forgetting when I literally just had a conversation with her a few minutes ago.

'I'm sorry my heads not in the right place at the moment' I told Sky.

'It's ok I know we are one and the same after all' She reminded me.

As we both returned to being quiet I sighed which caught Shane's attention he tilted my head by hooking my chin with his finger bringing my gaze up to meet his. When it did he leant his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes which was only successful at making my heart beat rise I thought to myself.

"No, not just that you stopped crying and worrying" he reminded me.

I instinct ku nodded then looked up at him in shock as he answered my thoughts, could he hear my thoughts?

"unfortunately for you yes, however I can't read your thoughts I get glimpses of your emotions and snip it's of sentences which I decipher and its shows I was right. I could have been wrong, but I can only read your mind when the mating process is complete and we have marked each other." He informed me rather happily.

"Oh" was all I could think to say to this new information which all it succeeded in doing is increasing my long list of unanswered questions.

What am I?


I hope you liked it, I know confusing and just more questions but hopefully I can help answer done if them in the chapters to come!

Thank you for everyone that has or is reading my story I am so thankful that you gave it a chance.

Thank you everyone for your votes and comments they are very much appreciated.

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