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Lilith Beatrix Potter has just finished writing a letter to her three Slytherin friends about what happened as well as finished packing. Tonight when the order are all asleep Sirius, Remus, Dora Tonks, Dora's son Teddy, and her are leaving britain. They would stop at Gringotts before to make sure all their account are in order, it was Tonks idea since remus can barely get an account with the werewolf law, sirius is still a convict, and lilith didn't even know that she had more than her trust vault that she was told was only from school stuff. Dora told them that she had written to the goblins and they know that they are going.

In the dead of night they all met in the parlor with their bags shinked, well most of them shrunk as lilith can't use magic to do it. Remus shrunk the girls luggage and put them in his pocket while Sirius and Dora got the portkey set and Lilith held the six year old blue haired boy.

"Okay we got it now hold on" dora whispered holding out the portkey for them all to grab. Within seconds they were standing in the main entrance of the bank. A goblin was quick to show the five to the room that held the two goblins incharge of the potter and the black fortune. " ah ms. potter i see you finally come to see us" the goblin appointed to the black family says. "What do you mean finally?" the red head says confused. She's been to the bank almost every year. "Have you not been getting your letters?" Nagnok says while the potter appointed gablin, Bogrod, looks almost nervous. "I don't get letters other than my Hogwarts letters and the one for the minister '' the girl says while Nagnok starts to look angrier. He was about to say something when he noticed how fidgety Bogrod was looking. He starts yelling something in another lagare. Before the wixen could say much they were pushed out of the room and into a more grander room. They were shown their sets still confused.

"I am sorry that had to happen, we will need you all to take an Inheritance test before we can continue." a fancier goblin says grabbing out five paper scrolls and a ritual knife. He hands it to Dora first who does without being told what to do. The same goes for Remus and Teddy as nothing was off with their test. It was not Lilith's turn. She was handed a knife but she didn't know what to do. "Seven drops of blood on the scroll" the goblin says. "And where does the leftover blood go? '' She learned blood is important and should not be given away after what happened in the  graveyard last year. "You are one of the few to ask. It disappeared and the blood used on the scroll is trapped within and no one can get it out." the goblin almost smiles ot the girl

She drops the blood not expecting to see much on the scroll. But to her surprise she found out her whole life was a lie...


Full name: Lilith Beatrix Potter-Black

Date of Birth: July 30,

Parents: James Potter-Black (decease), Regulus Black-Potter (decase, ghost), Lily Evans (sureagate, decease)

Grandparents: Flamont Potter (decease), Euphmia Potter (decease), Orion Black (decease), Walburga Black (decease, Portrait)

Godparents: Sirius Black (innocent), Remus Lupin, Evan Rosier (decease), Alice Longbottom (insane), Marlene McKinnon (decease)

Blood status: Pureblood

Creatcher blood: low hints of Fairy

Heirships: Black, 2nd Longbottom

Loadships: Potter, Pevrell, Rosier, Hufflepuff (from Evens), Gryfindor (from potters), Mistress of Death

Abilities and Blocks:
Magical Core- blocked 80%, placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Parseltongue / Parselmagic- blocked, placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Natural Legilliuments- blocked, placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Natural Occlumens- blocked, placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Horcrux- Unintentionally placed by Tom Marvolo Riddle
Obliviate- Placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Loyalty to: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, The Order, The Light, The Weasleys, Hermione Granger, Ronald Weasley
Hatred: Malfoy family, Slytherin, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Death Eaters

Non family Access to Key:
Potter Vault Key- Albus Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape, The Order of the Phoenix

Lilith was shocked, her friends used her. She wasn't even Lily's daughter or at least not lily potter, was this regulus black one of her fathers the ghost she became friends with. She was so confused and zoned out that Remus grabbed the paper from her. While Remus was reading it, Sirius looked over his shoulder, he couldn't even get past her parents. How could he not know that his baby brother had married his best friend, how could he not remember.

Sirius quickly did his test. He had to know if he did know about regulus and james and maybe forgot from all their time locked with soul suckers.


Full name: Sirius Orion Black lll

Parents: Orion Black (decease), Walburga Black (decease, Portrait)

Sibling: Regulus Black-Potter (decease, ghost)

In-Law: James Potter-Black (decease)

Niece: Lilith Beatrix Potter-Black

Blood status: Pureblood

Creatcher blood: Animagus (the grim)

Heirships: none

Loadships: Black

Abilities and Blocks:
Magical Core- blocked 60%, placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Obliviate- Placed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Loyalty to: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, The Order, The Light, The Weasleys, Molly Weasley
Hatred: Malfoy family, Slytherin, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Death Eaters, Lestrange Family

How could he do that? Dumbledore messed with the wrong family and he will burn for it. "Is there any way to get the blocks and compulsions off me and get my memories back?" Sirius tells the goblin with his head held high. "For bea too" Remus says, making Sirius look back at his niece's paper. Tht goat really did mess up, he was done for the second he thought he could fool a Black. The goblins brought Sirius and Lilith to separate rooms to clean them from the nasty magic.

The goblin that was helping them, which they had found out was the goblin king, let them stay in the few rooms the bank has for problems like these. The next morning they were all told to meet back with the goblins. They talked about their properties and what they planned to do. They were also going to give Sirius and Lilith the stolen memories back. Lilith chose against it not wanting to see her parents' death even if that was a chance to see her life before it was messed up. She didn't need more nightmares. After it was all situated they told the goblin king their plan. Remus had talked to his cousin's wife who lived in America and she was letting them stay with her and her son till the mansion that remus mothers family owned was up to date and safe to live in. Just as they were set to leave the bank to Mystic falls a light encased the family of five as they all passed out.

I don't feel like figuring out the years between the hp and tvd so let's just say she is 15 turning 16 and this takes place during season 3

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