The House of Black

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the screen turns on...

Lilith is standing outside with some people while the building seems to move.

"The house is moving" Damon states the obvious as if he was making sure everyone was seeing the same thing. When no one said anything back to him guessed they did.

Soon another door appears. "In you go" mad eye tells Lilith. She walks in hearing behind the door down the wall someone talk about her. Soon Moody shoves her to the side, getting in front. Lilith stays to the side letting them all pass, Dora giving her cousin a wink as she passes, only Lilith seems to notice the underlay of sadness in them. When dora gets to the end of the hall she looks about at her baby cousin before tripping on something causing kingsley to look back at her.

"Haha shes clumsy" Damon laughed at the purple haired girl as if to make fun of her. "Well that's our dora my favorite cousin" Beatrix says with teddy nodding along. "Besides its just the black family magic within her being confused as she does have it but since her mother ran away and was disowned as an adult dora's magic tries to accept the family magic while also being a child of a disowned member it basically off balances her life and skills." Sirius explains. Bonnie looked amazed as the other type of magic information that she is getting from these wixens.

By then the door is open and you can see two men, one with shoulder length black hair and the other a redhead. "Shh keep your voices down," a woman's voice tells the group of adults. One of the men in the room notices Lilith in the doorway. The screen pans to show both Lilith and the man smiling before a red haired woman steps in their view.

"Wait, why did you do that? I want to see the cute family reunion. They were so happy just to see the others' faces." Caroline gushed with a slight pout at the ruined moment.

"Lily," she says softly, reaching for the door. "Mrs. Weasley" the woman closes the door behind her causing Liliths smile to fade a little sad not getting to talk to her Dogfather. The woman steps forward hugging the girl while she stands there a little awkward about it. "Bit peaky but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait till after the meeting" she tells the girl. Lilith tries to say something when she gets cut off by the Weasley mother who tells her where the other kids are. Lilith hesitantly goes to the stairs still wanting to see sirius.

"Why does she call you Lily? You said it was lilith?" Rebekah asked, confused. "Her mother named her Lily. She should respect that, not change it!" the red head yelled "i suggest you don't yell at my sister mama'' Elijah tells the woman not even looking at her. "Oh so no nicknames allowed okay well then Ronald, Ginevra, Frederick, Georgina, Charleston, William, no nicknames kiddy that disrespect on your mother." Theo childishly mocked the Weasleys only getting a laugh from the twins and his friends, especially when he pointed at George for Fred and vice versa to add to the joke even more.

"My name's not ever Lily '' Bea whispers, causing Kol to look at her questionly. "My birth name is lilith beatrix potter well potter black but still it was never lily.'' Bea tells him only the vampires and the ones sitting close to her hears.

Lilith walking up the stairs sees a creature like Dobby the house elf but this one looked older and he was mumbling about 'mudbloods' in the house. The creature seems to glare as lilith before pausing, losing the glare and now looking curious at the girl. Kreture notices her eyes look like his dear pasted young master. Lilith slowly passes by and continues on her way.

"Godrick even the thing knew" sirius shakes his head now knowing the truth it's a shock to see the elf that hates him noticed lilith was reggie before him, though sirius was under spells and potions so he wouldn't know. Remus placed a hand on Siri knowing how upset he was about what happened.

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