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When Lilith woke up she saw people she never wanted to see again as well as people she didn't know.

The blond male of one of the two unknown groups of people yell. "Someone better tell me what is going on before heads will roll. And i start with you" he points to a girl who starts to hide behind a girl that may be a twin as there was another girl exactly like her in the room.

"Well I don't think you could kill to being responsible as they are not alive nor are they dead. It would be quite impossible" a sweet fray-like voice says, stopping any more arguing from the unknown groups. They all stare at the pure blond girl whose eyes were unfocused before she skipped over the lilith. "Hello bea how are you after everything" lilith gave luna a hug but before she could answer an annoying know-it-all voice said "lily where were you this morning you always sleep in and i couldn't find you anywhere. You can't leave-" the girl was cut off by the slytherin ice queen "granger shut up. She is her own person and can do what she wants" Daphne stands up for her friend.

"Don't talk to her you death eater '' Ron yells at the blond blocking granger from the snakes. "You can't go around calling people that weasel. Besides, daph is just speaking the truth, you don't own Bea so shut your mouth." theo says tired of hearing the stupid weasel, why couldn't he take after the twins they are so much cooler.

"You're a potter, '' one of the unknown people says now standing next to Luna and lilith. The potter girl jumped while the ravenclaw just smiled at the boy. "Yeah, I'm Beatrix Potter. Why do you ask"

"YOUR NAME IS LILY POTTER. DONT DISRESPECT YOUR MOTHERS NAME CHOSE FOR YOU!" the weasley mother yelled at Lilith Beatrix, who jumped still not liking loud noise considering how her childhood went. "Her name is Lilith if anything and she can use whatever name she wants. I go by my last name unless it's family. My mother was okay with it. Helga Weasley you're not her mother don't yell at Bea." Tonks says her hair turned red at how this lady was treating her cousin.

"Before a fight breaks out I will tell you why you are here. You will watch the future so introduce yourself and what you are starting with the order of the fried chicken" a smooth rich voice echoed around the room.

"It's the order of the phoenix-" granger got cut off by the voice "like i care just go" the bushy haired girl rolled her eyes "I'm Hermione Granger a muggle born Witch" "wixen" luna voiced out causing the know it all to look at her weird "what do you mean loon- luna"

"There are two types of witches Wixen like us and wiccan witches who are also called servants of nature'' Luna explains to which Granger once again rolled her eyes. 

"Ron Weasley," the obnoxious boy says. "Ginny Weasley '' a red head with her hair up and in what the wixen's knew as quidditch gear. "I'm Fred-" "And im George-" the twins get cut off "switch it" Blaise says knowing the boys would say their twins name. "Hes fred-" "and hes George-" "were the weasley twins"the twins correctly finish. "Also known as the demon twins by minnie" Theo says.

"Molly Weasley," the now grumpy woman says. "Hello dears-" an old man started. Only kol seemed to notice the potter girls cringe at the old man's words. "I am Albus Dumbledore" the old long beard says with false grandfatherly eyes. If you looked closely you would see minnie look almost annoyed with the man. "I'm Minerva Mcgonagall and don't you five even start." the fierce professor says pointing to Sirius, Remus, Theo, Blaise, and Lilith Beatrix. Next was a greases sneering man "severus snape Wizard"

"Now the at order is done mystic residents next, not the Mikaelsons" the voices says

"Elena Gilbert, human Doppelganger"

"Stefan Salvatore, Vampire" at Stefans intro Beatrix seemed to get a big smile, which bothered Kol. I mean how does the baby vamp know the beautiful Potter? "Damon Salvatore, Vampire"

"Caroline Forbes Vampire" "Bonnie Benetts, Wiccan witch"

"Alaric Saltsman, Vampire hunter"

"Matt human" "jeremy Gilbert also human"

"Tyler Lockwood, Werewolf"

"The other wixen, Mikaelsons last" the voice tells

"Susan Bones hi wixen" "Daphne Greengrass also a wixen"

"Sup names theo a wixen wizard" "salzard your an embarrassment, Im Blaise also a wixen wizard"

"Hello im Luna lovegood a wixen" "wochers, i'm Nymphadora tonks call me tonks" "hi peasants im Teddy Sirius Tonks the amazing child of mama dora"a blue haired blue says holding his mothers hand.

"Hello i'm Sirius Black wixen" "Im Remus Lupin-Lockwood, a wixen werewolf" remus says now catching tylers attention. "Uncle Remus" the boy excitedly goes and hugs his uncle, 2nd cousin? Who knows they are related somehow.

Next was Lilith "I am Lilith Beatrix Potter-Black the daughter of James Potter-Black and Regulus Black-Potter a wixen" the red haired girl says with a smirk to Dumbledore, who looks almost scared.

"Well hello darling" he says looking at beatrix "the names Kol mikaelson, Original Vampire" he grabs the potter-blacks hand and gives it a kiss, what he did not expect was to literally feel the raw pent up magic from her.

"Excuse him, he has no manners. I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, original Vampire" a blonde girl says. "Hello i'm Elijah Mikaelson original vampire" "I'm finn mikaelson" "well hello i'm Klaus Mikaelson Original Hybrid"

"Well don't hide now, Pierce" the voice calls someone out. "Kathrine Pierce vampire doppelganger"

"Now that's everyone shall we start" with that the room had a screen with multiple comfy chairs facing it. They all sit down. Kol was quick to sit on one of the sides of the potter-blacks. The Screen lit up...


This is not edited I just don't feel like rereading this now so yeah. if you see errors in my write I will take constructive criticism I am no where near a professional I am bound to make mistakes. Thank you to all who are reading this.

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