background info

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Lilith Potter is the daughter of Regulus and James. She is also technically lilys but only because she was a surrogate. How it worked was she is the product of regulus and james magic with a slight touch of lily so it is a low percent of lily's magic in her and little to no blood connection.

Sirius and regulus was close before reggie died

Regulus died while fully destroying the locket at the cave the night before Voldemort went after the potters. Voldy only made the diary (destroyed in second year), the locket (that Reggie destroyed), Ravenclaw crown thing (that Pandora found before graduating and knew she had to destroy it and she did), and Lilith. Lily did not invoke a blood/love protection. Before Regulus left to the cave he used a black family blood protection to make sure that even after he dies his daughter would be safe. That is also the reason he is a ghost, no one has ever used the spell though the spell only kept the caster as a ghost to be able to watch over them but with Lilith being mistress of death she was able to see the ghost.

Lily was with james that night they had a portkey to get out if an attack happened but it didn't work because dumbles wanted the potters died

Sirius told Hagrid to bring Lilith to Remus as he didnt want to be near his niece if he had a high chance of losing to the black madness after losing both his brother, brother-in-law, and close friend. He lost to it went after peter who blow up a pipe, used a spell to make siri laugh like a maniac, cut off his finger and escape as a rat

Dumble made sure that Sirius went to Azkaban and while there he altered his memories and didn't get it back till they planned to leave britain. They went to the bank to all take inheritance to find any info they needed and to check with the goblins that they could leave with no trace

Remus was told Lilith died along with James and lily. Dumbledor thought Remus didn't know about Reggie and James so he never touched his momores. Remus only mentioned that lily had red hair but that it could have also come from James' side of the family as euphemia, James' mother, had a reddish tint colored hair.

In liliths second year when hiding from everyone she became friends with three slytherins Blaise Daphne and Theo. no one knew of their friendship

Nymphadora Tonks had a child when she was really young. The father is irrelevant and left her. While her mother and father supported her. She kept the baby and named him after her father and her uncle (Sirius). A month before they thought to leave Britain, Ted Tonks, doras father, had passed and a few weeks after her mother did too. Dora ended up moving into Sirius' home and grew a friendship with the two marauders.

Ever since Lilith was 9 she met a ghost that she felt connected to. She didn't know it was one of her fathers till they went to the bank.

Kol met the potters and helped them change their name from Peverell to potter to protect them from anyone after the deathly hallows. In return the newly named potters looked for a way to bring back kols magic. Kol got daggered before they found a way but Kol did secretly make a promise to always protect the potters after seeing how much they wanted to help him. While daggered Flemonte was able to find a way to get back his magic and left all the information in one of the family gilmores that only potter blood can open. 

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