Unexpected Heartbeark

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Just as the group was about to leave, Bea sees someone and tells them to wait.

"Casey! hey" bea smiles at the blonde boy.

"That's the first big smile since the trial, who's the boy?" Kol asked with a hint of jealousy especially since even off screen she had a smile looking at this boy.

"Lily, what are you doing here? I thought I won't see you till september?" the boy smiles back.

"i got back a few days ago?" she tells him, giving him a hug that he half-heartedly gave back.

"Wow what a huge hug for someone you 'love' " Daphne said sarcastically putting quotations around love as the snakes, even Susan, didn't like the boy.

"oh you were with the Weasleys weren't you?" he frowned. "well they were staying with my godfather so yeah" she laughed not seeing his frown.

he rolled his eyes while saying "you're always with a Weasley. it's never just the two of us. I've asked you so many times to stay with me and you act like you do but you end up with the Weasleys instead."

"Well I don't mean to, they are just the ones that end up picking me up from the Dursleys and Molly normally doesn't let me leave." she tries to explain but it seemed he was already too annoyed for the conversation

"Whatever, I'll" he pauses with a sign. "I'll see you on the train" he tries to leave but she stops him.

"I won't be on the train," she tells him. "What, why not?" he asked. "I've been expelled'' when she said he stopped. "what? you know what i can't do this anymore" he waved his hands between the two of them. "You are always in trouble and now you've got yourself expelled. What am I supposed to do just this- we are over, I can't do this anymore we're over" he tells her, making the redhead freeze. That's it she gets expelled, finds out her life is a lie, and now her boyfriend of almost three years is breaking up with her.

At what he said just like on screen the girl watching herself get broken up with also froze, she thought he loved her how could he just leave, maybe she really is the problem like everyone thinks.

Even after he walked away she was still standing there. Dora, seeing the girl not moving, gave teddys hand to Sirius and walked to the girl who became like her sister and wrapped an arm around her and walked to the rest of the group. Bea finally comes back from her frozen thoughts. The look of betrayal and hurt completely washes off leaving a hollow look as she joins them and grabs the portkey that will take them to a town outside of Mystic fall then gets a rental car and resizes their luggage so no one suspects them of magic.

After everyone sees her get broken up with and how she seemed to push her feelings away they all looked at Bea in the theater. Only in return they received a deathly glare from the vampire, who was now next to her and holding her close. Sirius, Remus, and her friend joined in on glaring at the others that wouldn't look away while Dora told Teddy to give her some of his chocolate bar; she always has one with her for her son, which the blue-haired boy was quick to do. Teddy would do anything to make Beatrix smile knowing she would do the same for him, i mean his mom wouldn't just appoint anyone as his godmother especially since he didn't even get one till he was already four when Dora then randomly told the family she wanted bea to be the godmother.

Teddy walked to her carefully getting on her lap, which was a tricky task as she had her face buried into Kol's chest. He then breaks off a piece and holds it out to her, which she lifts her head only a little just to grab the chocolate and give teddy a small smile.

During this whole interaction the Mikaelsons were all shocked to see how Kol was acting, well most of them for some reason Klaus felt anger at what was happening to her. Something within Klaus was telling him to keep this girl safe at all cost but he had no idea why, maybe she reminded him of someone...

SHE WAS DATING SOMEONE!!!! don't worry he was not the best he never fully cared about her but she had fame that he wanted imagine him as anyone you want

what's going one with klaus ??? there will not be a love triangle i can't handle those but he will love her platonically and like a sister

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