Chapter :- 10

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After 2 days  ....

Avu's Pov :- it's been 2 days since I am here ....... I was in my room for freshen up my luggage was already there I don't know who bring it that day....but who cares then I went to dii who was taking rest ...jiju must be somewhere but wait where is the baby ..... My eyes widden realising it .... he is not here then where ? ....jiju also not in home I said worriedly ....and immediately  went to find for him....

Avneet (as whisper):- ohh...  there he is....

I said as my eyes fell on him ....  I take a breath of relief I found him with Siddharth in his room.....he was playing with him laying on bed beside him .... i adore them for a moment then thought to go inside not before thinking should i or not ?.... but then silently went inside and sat  beside them on opposite side...... he noticed me but did not react anything and again get busy with the baby..... in these two days we did'not even talk once to each other easily he ignore me as I am not even exist in the world ...but I just can't bare it anymore it's been a year his ignorance is killing me out.... 

Avneet :- Siddharth.....

i said to get his attention ...

Sid:- WHAT.... ohh I'm sorry these two days left to rapidly I did not get a time to introduce myself .... Hii I am Siddharth Nigam your Jiju is my cousin brother....

He said forwarding his hand for handshake....

Avneet:- why are you saying like this...

Sid :- what I did not get your mean miss.... I mean we just met two days before....

Avneet :- Why are you saying like this Siddharth we know each other since long...

My eyes immediately filled up with tears..... I really did not expecting this from him , tear rolled  down my eyes ....

Sid :- hnnn .... Aray why are you crying Avneet ...

Avneet:- You behaving strange to me .....

Sid :- Acha baba sorry sorry .... Please don't cry ... I was just PRANKING you ....

Avneet :- you are bad ... You are really very bad Siddharth ...

I said while hitting him tearly while he giggle in response..... i stop seeing him and  too smile  .... wiping my tears away .....

He was about to say something when baby started crying .... I pick him up but he is still crying

Sid :- let me try once ....

I give baby to him and he started petting his back while making faces and to my surprise baby stops crying imfact smiling...... I was adoring them he is playing with him being child ... yaar how can someone be just so perfect..... to be honest they are looking super cute....

It's tough to mention who is the child here ......i smiling at them which i see he noticed but didn't reply anything .....then we did our dinner then slept ....

Next day 

As Shivangi wake up she gets a surprise her family along with Kartik family were present there ....obviously it's their daughters first baby they wanted to play with their grand child even they have decided to do a small family get-together tomorrow so that baby can get a lot of blessings .......

Kartik :- Siddharth  keep this gifts in one room... and check the arrangement once........

Handling him some gift boxes.....

Karthik :- and Avneet you give this boxes to Shivi and make sure she take her medicines on time

Avneet :- ji jiju ....

She was about to go but bumped with someone....

Avneet :- Ohh I am sorry ..... wait Mom, dad ,Jai you guys here ...

she hugged them happily .....Kartik and Siddharth touched their feets ....

Avu's dad :- if i am not wrong you are Siddharth right ? ...

Sid :- Ji uncle .... 

Avneet :- Mom dad come inside na ....

Avu's Mom :- Wait Avneet .... we have a surprise for you ....

Avneet (excitedly ) :- Surprise... for me ....

She call someone .... and a person enters there and stand beside Avneet .....her face palm.... She was not at all expecting this atleast not at the time .... so the person was....

Ronny :- hello Avneet.... how are you .... 

Thank you ....

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