Chapter 3

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Saturday 5/14/22
11:28 am
Houston, TX

Saturday 5/14/2211:28 amHouston, TX

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I woke up to a heavy weight on my chest so I looked down to see youngboy laying on me with his head in the crook of my neck making me roll my eyes and try to get up but that only made him snuggle into me more. I sucked my teeth and tried to get up again but he popped my leg like he my damn daddy "stop moving" he mumbled in a raspy voice making me wet

"I need to get up" I said tryna get out of his grip

"Why?" He asked cuddling me tighter

"So I can go home" I said

"No" he said putting his head more into the crook of my neck

"I can see that you not going to let me go nowhere so I might as well go back to sleep" I mumbled rolling my eyes

"Damn right so go back ta sleep" he said giving my neck a kiss so I just went back to sleep

12:49 pm

"Wake up mama" Youngboy said shaking me awake making me stir in my sleep but not fully wake up then I felt soft kisses being planted all over my face making my eyes flutter open slowly so they could adjust to the sunlight that was beaming in my face

"What?" I asked as he was still leaving kisses on my face so I push his head away

"Get ready so you ca come eat" he said pulling me up by my arm and throwing me over his shoulder carrying me to his connected bathroom sitting me on the counter. "Hea" he said handing me a new toothbrush from out his cabinet

"Thank you" I said as I grabbed it from him, wetting it, putting toothpaste on it, wetting it again, then started brushing my teeth while Youngboy watched me through the mirror

"I gotchu Waffle House if dats cool witchu" he told me as I rinsed out my mouth and I nodded then he came and stood behind me grabbing my waist as I put listerine in my mouth and gargled it then spit it out and tried to turn around and face him but he had a tight grip on my waist "what if I was ta just bend you ova right na and fuck da shit outta you" he said bending me over slipping his hand in my boxers and rubbing me through my panties making me wet

"Mmmh" I bit my bottom tryna hold in my moans but it wasn't working "stop youngboy" I said tryna push his hand away

"Call me Kentrell" he said removing his hand from my boxers and started backing away from me smirking at me through the mirror so I turned around just looking at him while he still smirked at me making me nervous so I looked away and walked out the bathroom back into his room laying down on his bed "come eat mama" he told me pulling me up and pulling me down the stairs with him and into the living room sitting down on the couch pulling me to sit on his lap

"Where the food?" I asked looking around making him laugh

"It's on da way fat ass" he said then the doorbell rang so he lifted me up sitting me on the couch and walked to the door coming back with our food "hea" he said handing it to me and I smiled

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