Chapter 17

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Tuesday 7/26/22
2:12 pm

Tuesday 7/26/222:12 pmBali

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"Baby lemme get some pleaseee" Kenny begged as we were chilling in the jacuzzi, I was about to give in to him but stopped myself

"No now move" I scooted away from him which only made him come closer to me than be before

"Kehlani mane come on, you always so mean ta me fa no reason. Just lemme pleasure you ma" he said in a soft voice coming to stand in front of me

"Kentrell why you always do this?" I pouted, he always uses his soft voice to get what he wants and I hate that he does that

"I'm just tryna fuck what's mine" he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him then started sucking on my neck

"Mmhh" I bit my bottom lip throwing my head back to give him more access "let's go inside" I whispered in his ear

"Why we can't do it right hea?" He asked picking me up and sitting me on the side of the pool

"We can but- never mind just hurry up and fuck me" I rushed him and he chuckled

"Whatchu in a rush fa? We got all night ma" he smirked up at me before leaving a trail of kisses down my stomach stopping right above my pussy


"Ughhh oh shit daddyyy" I whined feeling Kentrell go deeper inside my stomach "ahhh take some out" I begged scooting away from him, we was on currently on a pool chair

"Take dat" he pulled me back pounding harder into me

"Oh my god fuuuck" I arched my back off of the chair but he pushed me back down

"Dis whatcho ass get fa givin me dat nasty as attitude all week, take dis shit" he demanded and started drilling my shit

"I'm trying" my eyes rolled to the back of my head "Ughh fuck" my mouth fell agape

"You takin daddy dick so good" he groaned lookin at himself go in and outta me in awe "witcho wet ass pussy" he moaned into my ear making the macaroni noises coming from my pussy get louder

"Ahhh" I screamed as I squirted on him, he smirked going harder "Ouuu shit" I put my hand on his stomach tryna stop him from going any deeper

"Since you doin dat turn round" he pulled out backing away from me stroking his dick, I did as told and put a deep arch in my back

"Shit" I moaned resting my head on the pool chair feeling him slowly slide into me, I looked under me seeing his balls slapping against my clit

"Throw dat shit back" he demanded smacking my ass, I sat up a lil and started throwing my ass back on him

"Fuuck just like dat mama" he moaned encouraging me to throw it back on him faster

"Ughh" I kinda lost my pace feeling my climax approach

"Fuck" he groaned grabbing my hips feeling my pussy tighten up around his dick

"Ughhh you fucking me soo good" I moaned as my legs started shaking

"You gon keep giving daddy dat nasty ass attitude?" He asked pounding into me harder

"No" I shook my head tryna run from him but he wouldn't let me

"You promise?" He asked and I nodded gripping the pool chair cushion feeling myself about to cum

"Ahh-hh yessss" I whimpered "ughhhhh" I moaned loudly as I squirted and cream on his dick

"No you ain't" he mumbled smacking my ass and quickening his pace

"I promise I will" I assured feeling like I was about to pass out "daddy pleaseee" I begged feeling too much pleasure

"Turn round crybaby" he pulled out flipping me over


"Baby come here" I called for Kentrell as he walked past me, I was watching tv in the living room right now and he was back and forth from our room to the kitchen grabbing snacks

"Wassup?" He asked coming to stand in front of me blocking my view of the tv

"Can you watch tv with me?" I asked giving him puppy eyes

"But I was playin da game" he pointed towards our room

"Pleaseee? I wanna cuddle" I begged and he sighed sitting next to me pulling me in his lap

"I love you" I pecked his lips and he smiled low key blushing

"I love you too ma" he pecked my lips too. We sat in silence watching tv for like maybe ten minutes before I broke it

"I wanna make this work, I wanna start over and actually give you a chance" I blurted out looking up at him, he looked down at me speechless shocked by what I said

"I know I've been treating you like shit and I'm sorry about that, I just don't want you to do me like you did Jaz" I confessed and he sucked his teeth

"I'm not gon do anything ta hurtchu and I keep telling you dat, ion kno how many times I gotta tell you dat. I did what I did ta Jaz because she did da same fucked up shit ta me, I kno you won't do dat so don't even worry bout dat happening ta you" he assured me and I nodded

"I wanna do normal couples things and not sit in the house all day, I wanna be out and about with you but your damn fans are just so nosey" I vented truthfully

"I don't care if they see us, I'm not in a relationship no mo plus even if dey talk shit fuck what dey say. Ion give a fuck what dey think, dey not da one in our relationship so don't even listen ta em, Ite?" He asked me and I nodded

"I know but I don't wanna be seen with you well I do but I don't know any people in my business" I explained and he nodded understanding

"Look I know you'on wan be seen wimme because you'on wan get hated on but dats apart of life, we can't hide da fact dat we gotta baby togetha from da world. Somebody gon eventually catch on" he told me and I sighed

"I know but I wanna hide us as long as we can. I don't want all the backlash this early on in my pregnancy" I explained and he nodded pulling me closer to him resting his head on my shoulder

"I kno baby, let's just take shit slow fa right na den when da time come we'll figure it all out" he assured me

"Kentrell when are you gonna let me go back to work?" I asked him, he sat up lookin at me to see if I was serious or not

"You not goin back, I got you fired" he nonchalantly said layin his head back on me

"You did what? Why would you do that?" I asked pushing his head off me

"Why you so mad? You don't need it, you got me" he assured me and I mugged him

"How many times do I have to tell you that I don't want or you need your money?" I asked sliding out of his lap

He lucky I still model or I would've beat his ass

"I don't care if you don't wan it or need it, you gon take it rather you like it or not" he demanded pulling me back into his

"Kentrell I don't want your money, I want mines so go get my salon back. Do you know how hard I worked to get that?" I asked and he shook his head

"It can't be dat much, i'a just give you da money back" he said without a care in the world

"Kentrell you're not understanding, I, me, Kehlani doesn't want your, Kentrell's money. I want my salon back" I told him straight up

"I'a think bout it" he mumbled

I really hope they figure everything out and get together fr


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