Chapter 23

469 16 32

Tuesday 9/20/22
6:21 pm
Houston, TX

Tuesday 9/20/226:21 pmHouston, TX

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"Talon I don't want to," I cried as he was about to make me fuck his friends again for like the third time today.

"Did I ask bitch?" he aggressively pulled me up from the couch by hair.

"Ow ow," I hissed grabbing my hair trying to relieve the pain but it wasn't working.

"Ride his dick right now," he demanded then pushed me on one of his friends.

It was about eight of them now and I hated all of them.

I closed my eyes taking a deep breath before sliding down his dick, it hurt so bad but if I complained Talon was going to hit me or make one of his friends do it.

One of his other friends grabbed the back of my head forcing his dick down my throat while another one came up behind me stuffing his dick in my ass.

I imagined it was Kentrell fucking me so I could cum, if I didn't cum they would get mad and torture me with sex toys until I passed out.

Sometimes I didn't cum on purpose so I could actually feel pleasure for once.

They didn't care that I was pregnant, they still did what they wanted to me. I can only blame myself because I should've never cheated on Kentrell with Talon in the first place.

Kentrell was a good man to me, he did anything I asked him to but for some reason I still managed to fuck that up.

I miss my baby, he keeps me away from her even though I birthed her but I still love him so much.

I opened my eyes when I heard a vibrator cut on, I saw that Talon had two in his hands. He handed one to his friend and he kept one.

His friend put it on my clit and I instantly moaned loving the feeling. Talon put the vibrator he had on my nipple earning an even louder moan from me.


"Mane get your sorry ass up," Talon yelled at me for not getting right back up after he just beat the shit outta me.

"Ahhh," I screamed as I felt pain in my lower stomach but all he did was stare at me not trying to help.

"The babies are coming," I held my stomach scrunching up my face in pain feeling a contraction.

"Get the fuck up then bitch," he kicked my leg indicating for me to get up.

I slowly got up holding my stomach trying my best to walk. I slowly walked to my closet grabbing the diaper bag and my hospital bag.

I took a minute to breath feeling the contractions go away. I quickly grabbed my purse and the bags making sure I had everything.

I walked down the stairs with Talon following, I opened the front door putting everything in the car then got in the passenger seat as Talon took forever to get in and crank the car up.

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