Chapter 10

862 29 9

Friday 6/3/22
6:12 am
Houston, TX

Friday 6/3/226:12 amHouston, TX

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"You ok?" Brooke asked as I walked into my house and I nodded kicking my shoes off. I went to my room and locked the door not wanting her to walk in on me. I sat my bag down on the counter, grabbed my foam cup, then peed in it. I sighed as I opened the box of pregnancy tests and took 3 out, I took the caps off and sat them in the cup then set a timer

Ion know what imma do if I'm pregnant, I hope I'm not, it's not that I don't want it it's just I don't wanna be pregnant by a man who isn't even available. I don't wanna be put in that situation and I don't wanna break up a happy home. I don't even know why I even let us go this far, I wasn't even supposed to fuck him he just has a way of getting whatever he wants and I fell for it

I got knocked outta my thoughts by my timer going off, I turned it off then hesitantly turned all 3 test over "no, I can't be, I can't be" I started to cry as I looked at all 3 test


I sat there and cried for a few minutes before getting up and going to my closet. I grabbed two big suitcases, a medium sized suitcase, and a duffel bag. I packed my hygiene and my important stuff Imma need in my medium suitcase, I packed a bunch of outfits and a few bathing suits in my big suitcase, I packed more clothes but mainly pajamas in my second one, then packed underclothes in my duffel bag and grabbed a few shoes to match most of my outfits and started carrying them downstairs not seeing Brooke down here anymore. I walked back upstairs and went back upstairs grabbing more shoes, I repeated this about four or five times, then grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I grabbed my phone and wrote down important people contact and number in case I forget

"Lani what are you doing?" Brooke came in my room. I grabbed my charger, airpods, and purse

"Brooke if I tell you, you can't tell NBA gang not even Ben, ok" I told her and she nodded. I sighed and sat her down on the bed "I'm pregnant" I mumbled and she gasped and jumped with joy but stopped and started to look sad

"So you leaving so he doesn't find out and you won't ruin his relationship?" She asked and I nodded "Lani it's not your responsibility to deal with a situation he got himself into. Don't do this it's not fair to y'all baby" she said tryna convince me but it wasn't gonna work this time

"I played a part in it too so it's not all his fault" I told her then her eyes started to water "Brooke please don't cry" I rubbed her back then she bursted out crying, I looked away knowing if I seen her cry I was gonna cry too

"Lani please don't leave what am I gonna do without you?" She asked

"I'll come back once in a while only to visit you but you can't tell no one else promise?" I asked

"Promise" she agreed "where are you going?" She asked

"I can't tell you, it's better if you not know. You can't lie to Ben no matter how much you try and you know if he find out you lied to him about where I went then it'll interfere with y'all relationshi-

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