We're All Someone's Monster

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I open my eyes, blinded by sunlight. Where am I?

"Healer!" I hear someone shout. I roll my head over to see Alina lying unconscious beside me.

Alina gasps awake.

"Hold! Your collarbone is fractured." A healer tells her.

"Mal! The tracker! Where is he?" Alina struggles to get up.

"First Army goes to medical." The healer replies.

"Bring them two to the general's tent." 

"Who?" Alina notices I'm here. "Lillian thank the gods you're alright."

I look around at the wreckage of the ship. "What happened?"

"I have no clue, but by the looks of it, it looks like we are going to find out" She states as two men start to drag us to The General's Tent.

We step into the tent. The man who I assume is the general is dressed in black, his back facing us. "Bring them closer."

The men let go.  

The General turns around. A gasp escapes my throat as I examine his features. His sharp jawline compliments his deep alluring eyes. His dark sexy hair blends into his beard, adding to his beauty. This has got to be the most handsome man I have ever seen. I feel my heartbeat thud in my chest. Realising where I am I shake my head and take a deep breath in.

"Closer." He whispers in a sexy but intimidating manner. Me and Alina shuffle forward an inch more, feeling everyone's gaze on us.

"Well?" He asks quirking an eyebrow.

I look at Alina who gives me a confused look. What is going on?

"Well, what? Sir." I remark back. 

"What are you?" He looks between Alina and me.

Alina begins. "Alina and Lillian, Assistant Cartographers, Royal Corps of Surveyors. They're all gone. It's our fault. That's why we are here, isn't it?"

"Answer the question." The General slows down the question. "What are you?" 

What is wrong with this perfectly defined man? 

"She answered your question already. We are mapmakers. Now will you tell us what we are doing here?" I bark getting impatient, adding a delayed "Sir" at the end. 

The tent erupts in gasps and whispers at the way I spoke to the General. 

The General's lips twitched like he was trying to withhold a smile.

 "Quiet." He orders them. "So who actually saw what happened? Zoya? You manned the main sail."

"We were attacked barely two markers in. Someone lit a lantern." She begins to explain.

"And?" The General asks. 

"The volcra went after the riflemen and our Inferni first. And then there was a searing light mixed with shadows" She stops, looking at me and  then The General. " Just like yours.." 

"It was them." A man points at us.

"Our mapmakers. Is this true? Can you summon light?" He asks Alina and then turns to me. "Can you summon shadows?"

Alina shakes her head, as I stand there utterly confused.

"Where did you grow up?" The General asks.

"Keramzin." Me and Alina speak at the same time.

"Hmm. And when were you tested?" He questions. Me and Alina share a quick glance at each other.

"You don't remember?"He smirks making his way towards us. "Well, let us just make certain."

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