The Tragic Adventures of [Y/N] Epilogue

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Chapter 2.

Your name is [Y/N]. [Y/N] Gorbachev, the last heir of the Gorbachev noble family. 400 years ago, you fought in the war against Gods, Demons, and Dragons then came home a hero. You avenged your parents by killing an army of demons that raided your hometown when you were a child. After the war, you were sent by the Kings of Pergrande, Fiore, and Joya to the western continent on a confidential SSS-Class quest. You were to deliver an important message to the leader of the Alakitasia's most powerful country, but you did not make it. Your airship crashed on an island straddling the continental boundary line between the two continents. Since then, you were pronounced "dead", but you were really alive. You've been stuck in a secluded cave for four hundred years, but today you were making an epic comeback. Your Devil Slaying Magic had one side affect you see, if you used it way too much, your lifespan expands a century. So you were almost immortal because you used it during the war. 

Vistarion, Alvarez Empire, Alakitasia, Earthland 400 years after the war.

The city of Vistarion. A vibrant and grand city with a population of 500 thousand people and counting.  In the middle of the city, stood a palace. This was no ordinary palace, it was built of marble with arches, steeples, and supporting pillars. In the middle of the palace, there was a garden filled with exotic flora, famous for their pleasant aroma. It was built a long time ago to outdo the palaces of Ishgar's kingdoms. You see, Alakitasia during the war between humans, demons, and dragons was a chaotic continent made of warring kingdoms that fought each other for resources. The kingdom with the most resources was the continent's most powerful at the time. It's been that way since the beginning of time, but one day everything in Alakitasia changed. A man joined the army of the Middle Kingdom and helped them grow in military power. Rival kingdoms that invaded them were defeated, thanks to his military prowess. So the King promoted him to Field General and the Middle Kingdom conquered the neighboring Eastern and Western Kingdoms, in only 10 years. Soon, the Northern kingdom was conquered, followed by the Southern Kingdom. By the time he retired, the Middle Kingdom had conquered the inland kingdoms and they threatened to conquer the entire continent. The unknown Field General had retired from service, then passed away at the age of 120. The newly-founded Middle Empire had expanded to cover the entire continent, but the continent of Ishgar invaded. It was thwarted by a soldier of unknown origins who would rise to become a ruler. Unfortunately the Emperor of the Middle Empire had died heirless, so the nobility chose him to be his successor. The new emperor changed his name to Emperor Spriggan the Great, or Spriggan I of the renamed Alvarez Empire. He named his son, Spriggan II, as his heir so, the boy was taught how to fight in war and politics. Young Spriggan was crowned emperor upon his father's death, and he continued his late father's policies. You see, Spriggan I tried to build an alliance with Ishgar but almost all the kingdoms refused. The Country of Minstrel and the Holy Empire of Seven were the only ones to build an alliance with Alvarez. So together, they declared war on the Kingdoms of Fiore, Isvan, Dragnof, Joya, Pergrande, and the other countries soon joined on the latter's behalf. World War One had begun.

For 4 years, Ishgar and Alakitasia fought one another for political glory. It only ended with a temporary ceasefire signed by Minstrel, Seven, and the other countries of Ishgar. To strengthen the ceasefire, the Kings of Joya, Fiore, and Pergrande all sent you a SSS-Class mission to deliver a permanent armistice to the Alvarez Empire. One day, an airship arrived at downtown Vistarion. Everyone stopped to stare as the gates opened and a silhouette walked out. When the dust cleared, to their surprise, it was you! [Y/N] Gorbachev, last heir of the Gorbachev family. You disembarked from your airship to cheers and applause, by passersby. You see when you were pronounced dead, Alakitasia and Ishgar decided to go back to fighting a war. The Emperor's 12 best soldiers called the Spriggan 12 were tasked with leading an invasion to Ishgar and raiding the western kingdoms, until nothing remained. So, they first invaded the Kingdom of Fiore and raided Era Town, the kingdom's biggest city followed by its capital, Crocus. In the end, millions of innocent people lost their lives during these raiding sprees into Fiore. Plus, almost all the revenue the kingdomhad stashed away in the Treasury were stolen. Only 3,000 US Dollars remained in the royal safe, which was not enough to pay for rebuilding the kingdom without having to double the tax. The Twelve then marched east to Bosco, where they raided the capital city of Vockerode.

You see, the King of Bosco had 250 thousand Dollars in cash stashed away in his safe before the war. So, the Spriggan 12 planned to secretly steal almost all of it, leaving only a few thousand behind. Like Fiore, the King opened his safe only to discover it was almost empty. The remaining 7 thousand Dollars was not enough to pay for repairs, without having to increase the tax with a law. Kingdom after kingdom was thoroughly raided and stripped of their cash, so when the Spriggan 12 returned with their loot, the countries of Ishgar were almost bankrupt. The leaders all met and planned a counter-attack against Alakitasia. But their attempts of stealing the cash had failed utterly, thanks to the Spriggan 12. Their magic aura combined forced the Ishgarians to surrender out of fear. For months, the war only seemed to drag on with no end in sight. Until, you were spotted leaving your airship as it landed in downtown Vistarion, after vanishing for four hundred years. You marched to the Imperial Palace, where you were greeted by the Twelve looking at you in shock along with the Emperor. You gave him a well-maintained document containing Ishgar's offer of a permanent armistice. The Emperor signed the document, ending the war for good. As you marched to your airship bound for Pergrande, you encountered intense applause by the people as they cheered your hard work at promoting peace. After a long voyage across the sea and the continent of Ishgar, you landed in Rome to a large crowd. They cheered and chanted your name as you marched to the King of Pergrande's study. When he received the good news, the King was so delighted that he threw a triumph in your honour for 3 days. You were given the honorary title of [Y/N] the Peacemaker. You wore this distinction along with your medals with pride as you retired in your family's mansion. Sadly you died for real this time, at the age of 550. For months, they mounted your death, but they say that a ghost of you was spotted in front of your gravestone, before it walked away and faded into the distance.

The End.

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