The Betrayed Part 2 (final)

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In the last chapter, we saw George suffer from the death of his wife and kids when he came home from work. He had to bury his own family right next to his parents in a custom-made cemetery he laid out himself. Why was this the case, you ask? It was all because of an argument between the Tsar of Iceberg, George's homeland, and the Emperor of the Empire of Alvarez named Emperor Spriggan. They were discussing a potential economic partnership between the two nations, when the Tsar apparently dismissed Spriggan's demands in exchange. They were discussing a potential economic partnership between the two nations, when the Tsar apparently dismissed Spriggan's demands in exchange. The emperor was not only offended, he was livid. So he stormed out of the Winter Palace in the main island to his airship. Before he left, Spriggan told the Tsar to "prepare for war,". Pretty soon, an armada of airships came to bombard the city. After hours of intense bombardment, the city laid in ruins with the Tsar held hostage by the Spriggan 12. To make matters worse, they bombarded the rest of the country to wipe it all out. The bombing campaign was the first step in Emperor Spriggan's planned conquest of Ishgar once and for all, after centuries of tense peace between the two continents. After the country was bombed entirely, leaving cities and towns in ruins, Alvarez conquered Iceberg before moving on to other countries. They invaded and bombed Bosco, Fiore, Seven, Joya, and almost every other country in Ishgar, except for the Pergrande Kingdom. They wisely chose to ally with the Emperor, so they were spared from the bombings. In the end, all of Ishgar had been conquered except for Pergrande who chose to swear fealty to the Empire of Alvarez. So the airships left for the Empire's capital, Vistarion in triumph. As for George, he was forced to watch as his employees, co-workers, and customers were all put to the sword by the Spriggan 12. They spared his life, but left him an emotionally scarred man. When they thought he was done with everything and would commit suicide, he instead transformed into a hybrid of a demon, dragon, and human. George became a monster hellbent on slaughtering his enemies, without mercy. 

His first act was to completely annihilate the Alakitasian navy, with only the ship belonging to the leader of the Spriggan 12, August, surviving his attack. Then he teleported to Vistarion and demanded to see the Emperor. A brutal magical duel ensued where they used every spell they had in their arsenal to destroy each other. George was a master of Devil Slaying Magic, Devil King Slaying Magic, God Slaying Magic, Dragon Slaying Magic, and Dragon King Slaying Magic so he had a chance to defeat the Emperor. But Spriggan was (secretly) an immortal mage with extensive mastery of the Black Arts, a dark branch of magic where he can summon a demon from another dimension to fight for you or bring the Dead back to life, thereby turning against the very Laws of Nature. Despite the odds stacked against him, George managed to defeat the Emperor. As a reward for his triumph, he demanded a variety of favors. The first demand was to decolonize the entire continent of Ishgar immediately. He then demanded that Alvarez sever all ties with the Pergrande Kingdom and finally, promise not to invade again. Peace returned to Ishgar as it slowly recovered from the brutal war against the Empire of Alvarez. His home country of Iceberg slowly got back on its feet, but the only thing that could not be rebuilt was its population. When the war ended in victory for Alvarez after they bombed the city of Alosi, millions of innocent refugees immigrated all over the globe. The majority however, migrated north to the central continent of Giltena. As George helped the country rebuild economically and politically, he was disappointed to discover it could not rebuilt demographically and socially. So he gave up on rebuilding Iceberg and left it to collapse into nothing, as he picked up his mansion then teleported away. While George had left the country in search of a new home, Pergrande was angry in behalf of the Empire of Alvarez for its humiliation. In retaliation for its lost ally, Pergrande invaded the former Tsardom of Iceberg from the east and swiftly conquered it. There was no resistance to the campaign. The land that used to be Iceberg was engulfed into the kingdom, so it now bordered the Kingdom of Dragnof.

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