Part 13 how to catch a catfish

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*A/N this chapter of for @urmomisangry1
You asked for a new chapter and here you go... bro?*

[ *context* they are at Deku's mom's house waiting for his dad, and bakugo is their but not kiri, he is still at the dorms, idk like sleeping or smt]

*Deku's pov*

So im sitting here knees weak arms are heavy theirs vomit on my sweater already, MOM"S SPAGETY!!!!!!

Jk lol

*Deku's real pov*

We're sitting here waiting for my dad to show up, im so nervase and my mom looks like she's gunna cry, (a/n dosnt she always tho?) Dad is suposted to show up at 6:00PM for dinner, it's currently 5:50PM and the spa Getty (spaghetti) is already on the table, aperently that used to be dad's favorites befor he banana split after i was born

"What if that shit bag mother fucking ass whole fr shows up, do i get to throw hands? Personally i think i should get to"

"K-K-Kachan no you cant fight my father"

"But i totally could"

"Katski, please do not fight him we just want to talk and find out ware he's been for so long"

"Do i still get to mug him for the child support he missed"

"Short answer, no.
Long answer, nooooooooooooooooooooooo."

{time skip 30 mins so sorry}

"Is that bitch never going to show up?"

Just as he said that The door bell finally rings. Dad's here.

We go to open the door and i finally see him for the first time, and he's...

A giant catfish?
No literally a giant blowup catfish

"Trick or treat!"

"Come in side"

"Dad, why are you dressed as a giant catfish?" (Btw deku said this)

"It's Halloween, I'm trick or treating"

"Ur 45"

"Hey wait it's also December"

"Yeah, we were inviting you over for Christmas dinner, dad"

"Hey wait i thought you guys were Jewish"(bakugo said this)

*334 words*

A/N thx for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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