why Ch 9

167 5 1

Kirishimas POV

I woke up to a dark room I couldn't even see at first I thought
' is this death'
But then I remembered what happened the night before

Hahahahah 👏👏👏 wow haha * whees* you cant even kill your self how pathetic

Shut up

Like I ever would I am what people really think of you and nothing els so why deny me

Because your wrong and I have people that love me just like bakugo he loves me right

No he doesn't and he thinks that your a fat Useless blob of blood and skin

Your right I am fat and useless

Yup 😁

If I don't eat will you go away

Hmmmm fine but youll see me again weather it's tommorw or next year you will see me again!

Ok it's seddled I won't eat
Then I see a flash of light

" aaa" then I jumped to the corner of my bead and covered my head just out of habit

" wuw thar calm down it's ok"
I looked up to see bakugo he was standing thar. He looked veary conscerd

" we have school do you think you are ok with going"

" y-yeah I'll be fine"
I put a fake smile on but bakugo only seamed a more sad

" ok, and we will talk after school about the shit storm that happend yesterday"


" are you hungry"

" ye- I mean no I'm not hungry"

" ok but you WILL eat at lunch"


-at school during lunch-
Still kirishimas POV

" I got you food and you WILL eat it 😁" sometimes bakugo was more scary then the thoughts on my head

" o-ok" me and bakugo go and sit down with the bakusuad and made small talk

" kiri eat now!"

" no I don't want to"

" you said you would eat at lunch when you didn't eat breakfast so eat"

" what's going on?" Mina and the rest of the squad was very confused

" everything's fine" and I plastered on my fack smile

" no every ting is not fine kiri and you ARE eating your lunch"







" no no no no no I can't take it any more god dammit, why why dose life have to be so fucking hard ( that's what she said ) why do I have to suffer so god damm mutch" I started to sob and I just fell to the ground and cried

I'm sorry - don't be ( kiribaku )Where stories live. Discover now