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"Don't be"
I hugged him tight
" I'm going to go Get my stuff don't do anything stupid"
" I won't"
"Ok brb"
Five min later
* knock knock*
" come in!"
" hi Ejiro"
He smiled
" hi kaski"
I started setting up my blanket on the floor when this happened
" why are you putting your blanket on the floor"
" I'm sleeping in this room whether you like it or not"
" oh see I thought we could share a bed I mean if you are ok with that"
" oh yeah I would love to"
That night we curled up together and we felt asleep very fast that morning i woke up to the sounds of a phone taking pictures
I role over to see Mina taking like 300 photos of me and kiri
I tap him on shoulder
" Ejiro, Ejiro wake up or your friend Mina won't have a spine" 
I might have said that part a little too aggressively because she skerted out of the room faster than sonic boi but kiri rolled over right before she was completely gone
" please tell me you didn't hurt her"
" oh she will be fine as long as she doesn't pull that shit again"
" ok"
I got up and brought my clothes into the bathroom I took a shower changed and looked at the clock it was 5:40 uhhhgggg pinky really did wake us up early
" hey Ejiro"
" you need to get ready"
" ready for what"
" for school dipshit"
" oh crap"
He took a 10 min shower which is normal but he spent 30 min just getting dressed and when he walked out that's when I realized his hair was down before
" hey Ejiro why do you do your hair like that"
" well I normally have straight long black hair but that's not very interesting is it plus I look horrible with my hair down so I died it and I gell it up every day"
" wow well I think you look just wonderful with your hair down"
" thanks but I'm keeping my hair up"
"We should head out"
" ok"

I'm sorry - don't be ( kiribaku )Where stories live. Discover now