Your okay Ch 8

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Mr. Aizawas POV

I was in my corner cuddling with present mic and I was about to happily fall asleep when Mina burst into my office breathing heavenly, mascara running down her face, and talking faster that iida can run

" I ( incoherent) yell (incoherent)  throw ( incoherent) kirishima ( incoherent) run (incoherent) scared (incoherent) help"

I jump up as soon as she entered the room and I could barely understand what she said
" what? Is kirishima ok?
Present mic came up and sleeply up his head on my shoulder
( whispered) " not now  Mina is here"
" * huff* fine!"
He crosses his arms and sits in the corner
" ok, Mina what wrong do you need my help or can I get back to cuddling with pre- 😳 I mean work"
" help me find kirishima"
" is he in trouble"
And up I when I stoped my my room to get my scarf but it was a little struggle to get it untied from the bead but at soon as I got it I was out of the building I saw kirishima on the top of the u.a school building
" oh crap"
I sprinted to the building but I was to late he bumped and I wasn't high enough to catch him I was about to just watch my student die!?

Wait no I will not let him die. I see a street light and I sling my scarf around it like a net and I caught him he was safe as soo as I thought everything was over I hear a crying bakugo fly through the air
"EJIRO KIRISHIMA WARE ARE YOU" and than he fall to the ground crying
" bakugo?" I say
He snapped his head up and sees kirishima getting out of the net I made still crying and shaking

Bakugos POV

I ran over to kirishima and gave him the bites him could possibly give him and I patted mom on the back we sat down right their and I held him in my slightly rocking him back and forth and he feel asleep in my lap and I gave him a kisss on the head

Mr. Aizawas POV

I see bakugo calm kirishima down within minutes and the kirishima falls asleep in him lap and when bakugo gave him a kiss on the head I couldn't hold it
" awwwww that reminds me from when I was your age"
" what?"
" I mean like- never mind"
I was thinking about me and present mic because I had frequent panic attacks but he would calm me down
" tell me now!"
" well I would have the panic attacks and present m- I mean my partner would calm me down....  I mean I don't need to tell you anything"
He got up and left still holding a sleeping kirishima

Bakugos POV

I had heard what Mr. Aizawa said so I just got up and I eat kirishima down on his half of the bead the i here my stomach grumble and I realized that I hadn't eaten and it was almost 4:00 pm so I texted Mina the kiri was ok and I whent to go eat

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