Bakugo comes over ch 2

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Me: hey kirishima I'm coming over to you dorm we need to talk
Shark boi🦈: ok
* knock knock * I knocked and waiting I herd kirishima walk over he opened the door and invited me inside
"Come in"
" I'm sorry I'm so so sorry"
I was really confused
"What the fuck are you apologizing for"
" well the only other time you have called me kirishima was when you were ready mad"
I felt really bad so I just hugged him i didn't really know what to do but hug him I sat him down on the couch and I asked him if he was ok he was visibly confused so I told him all that I had noticed and he bursted out crying I just hugged him tight
" resently my parents found out that we have dorms and they stopped paying rent so now I'm homeless I stay here on the weekends it's always lonely and... I'm sorry these are my problems and it's so unmanly you should just go"
" no I'm not leaving you in this state of mind, you might do something to yourself"
" I'm not that stupid"
" then show me you arm"
" no"
I grabbed his arm and rolled up his sleeve I saw scars going up his arm he pulls his arm back
"you weren't supposed to see that"
"Well I did and is this why you added sleeves to your hero costume?"
" yeah"
I gave him the biggest hug I could
"I will never leave you kirishima"
Thats when he lost it and burst out crying I just continued hugging him thats when his door swung open and Mina was there
with a base ball bat apparently she saw me walk into kiris room and heard him crying so she got a base ball bat because she thought I hurt him
* quietly to kiri* " do you want her to know"
" no"
" get out"
"Whyyyy kiri is my friend too and he's sad"
"He doesn't want you here"
"How do you know that it's not like you even care about him what do you call him oh yeah shitty hair that's so mean if anything you should go"
* kirishima gets up quickly still with tears running down his face* "Mina thank you for coming here to make shure I was ok but I'm fine and if you would please leave that would be very helpful"
Mina instantly looked bad and said sorry as she left kirishima got out his phone very quickly
" what are you doing?"
"Saying sorry I was too harsh"
" like hell you are, you don't have to apologize"
"But I-
I just hugged him I have had a crush on him for a while he calmed down after a little bit
" kirishima are you ok"
" yes thank you and you can call me Ejiro because you are the first person to actually show me love and be concerned for my well being"
"Ok Ejiro then you can call me Kaski"
"it's getting dark you should go back to your dorm"
"I told you before I'm not leaving you alone in this state of mind"
" I'm sorry"
"Don't be"

I'm sorry - don't be ( kiribaku )Where stories live. Discover now