GoGo's Chase

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Gogo ran down the sidewalk of the mechanical school. She had no idea where she was going. Turning left and right Gogo was lost.

"Get back here, chick!" One of the boys yelled. Obviously Gogo never stopped. She ran down and this time, passed the school and into the city. The boys still were on her trail.

The boys pulled out the old fashion weapon, slingshots. They picked up sticks, twigs, rocks, and anything else in their path and shot it at the girl.

Gogo turned around and saw them loading up.

Crap crap crap! This is getting too intense! She thought to herself. Just then an object hit her forehead. Chewed gum. Gogo noticed weight on her. She noticed she had something on. Her backpack! She began running again and looking for a spot to settle down.

The boys still followed her. Gogo then was in the streets. Cars zoomed by her as she ran. The boys hopped over the cars and still chased her. "You guys do track?!" Gogo yells.

Just then a big truck with a trailer on the back came zooming by. Gogo's eyes widened. But then she gave a smirk.

She jumped on top a taxi and slid under the truck's trailer. "No!" The main boy yelled.

Gogo made her way into an alley beside a cafe shop. She stopped and leaned against a wall and slouched down in it. She sat next to a trashcan and took off her backpack. That's when she heard the boys yelling. "She went in the alley!" One guy, panting, says. She had to hurry.

The boys ran and stopped at the alley. All the saw was the trashcan. They slowly walked in. Right when they took the first step in, Gogo zoomed, and jumped over them in her mag-lev disks. "See ya!" She says and skates down the street.

Jumping cars, sliding, spinning, Gogo sure did miss the superhero business. All until the boys caught up to her, again.

"You aren't leaving this time! We gotta teach you a lesson!" He said. Gogo had no where else to go. She then noticed in the corner of her eye, some trees. Not like the woods but somewhat.

She skated into the tree area and noticed it was also a steep, small hill. She twisted her ankle and fell in, rolling down the hill.

The boys followed, but not getting hurt.

Gogo reached the bottom, a bloody nose and a scar on her lip. Her disks were damaged and bent. "Gah!" She winched in pain. "No.." She examined her disks.

Then the boys were at the bottom of the hill. She scrambled up and limped fastly through the trees. "Ah, please!" She yelled. This was her first time of showing mercy.

When reaching and leaning on a tree, a hand shoved her to the ground. She groaned and crawled to another tree. "Please..stop." Tears dwelled in her eyes. "Now.. To teach you that lesson." The main guy said. Gogo closed her eyes.

What would they do to her? She then opened up her eyes...and with that, a punch was blown to her stomach.

She groaned and softly screamed. It happened again. The boy's fist was balled and punched again. "Ah!" She yelled. She turned to the tree as tears fell. The boy then kicked her in the stomach. This made Gogo feel weak. Very weak.

Finally the main guy, pulled Gogo's face up. She looked at him, tears on her face.

All she could see was the fist coming at her. She was then hit in the face. Punched.

Gogo then blacked out.

Night came and the boys were gone. About 3 hours after the incident, Gogo was alone in the woods. She opened her eyes, slowly opening and closing. She looked at her surroundings and saw only trees, then lights. She groaned as she slowly got up.

She held her stomach in pain and wiped her nose. Blood was on her hands and it quickly dried. The images went through her mind. The boy's fist, the pain, the chase. How could she forget it. All for doing the right thing.

She walked through the trees. She made her way to the lights and found out it was the school. She swallowed hard and coughed blood out. She looked at her shirt which had blood stains on it. "So much..for wearing white." She said.

Nariko was in her room she shared with Gogo. She wondered where she was.

"Its been almost 2 hours since she's been gone. And she stood me up at lunch!" Nariko says. She was on the bed watching TV.

Then the door opened slowly. Nariko looked up to see a messed up Gogo.

"Hey..sorry about lunch."

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