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The head of the engineering department   had received a call from Lan Zhan's father and apologised for his disappearance and requested that if he could be shown around the campus because his son has difficulties adjusting to a new place.

And now because of his overprotective father which he should be in this situation, he now is stuck in a room, talking with a beautiful young man.

Obviously Wei ying asked why he couldn't come on the first day but was only met with a vague response. They came to know that there from the engineering department. The only difference was that Wei ying is in computer software and Lan zhan in architecture.

Lan zhan didn't interrogate him the way he was interrogating him, but he came to know that he lives alone and helps with his father's business which is the reason he's loaded with cash because even at such a young age and no prior education or experience he's managed to excel in this field.

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