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It's been a few weeks since the 1st semester started for lan zhan and he still hasn't made any friends and hardly knows anyone except for wei ying whom he hasn't seen for a while either. Lan zhan doesn't care if he has friends or not and he genuinely means it. There's not a single fiber in his body that wants to get close to another human body that isn't his own. Despite holding on to the tragedies and people he used to know, his grades are excellent. Studying , its the only thing he has and know how to do. Or He takes every single nail that's stabbed into his heart and puts it onto the canvas and the canvas onto a wall which whenever he looks at , reminds him that he must not ever make the same mistakes again. It's the only way he knows to feel at peace again. Now there's another addition to the countless paintings in lan zhan's room and he doesn't know why it's a portrait of wei ying smiling. It's the only thing that smiles in his mundane apartment. Apart from this lan zhan's everyday life has been the same as it always is. Waking up, going to university, coming back home, working on assignments and tests and some days he goes to sleep but most days he just stares at either his paintings or the sky through his living room window. He's been staring with a blank expression at wei ying's smile a lot too. He doesn't right now it's not the painting but the person in the painting that gives him comfort.

On the other hand Wei ying is either taking classes or is in his office. It isn't easy, doing two things but it's the only thing he wants to truly do and it's what keeps him sane. Some nights he does go home but instead of sleeping that time is used in finishing assignments or just writing whatever comes to mind in the moment when there's hardly any light and it's deadly silent. Wei ying may have devoted his life to his father's business and is getting a degree related to computers but his passion for making and writing music isn't any less than it was when he was young. He's always managed to keep a balance between all the things that he's always wanted to do. Lately he's been thinking a lot about lan zhan, he's seen him a few times all by himself, often lost in thoughts or listening to music and something in wei ying breaks when he sees him like that. He doesn't know how to approach him in a way that is appropriate since at the end of the day he's just a junior who happens to be lost like most people are.

The last time he saw lan zhan was in the cafeteria which was a week ago and now this time today, it's on the rooftop of the apartment building they both live in.

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