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The ride to campus consisted of simple questions such as how you have been doing and how are your classes and studies going. Wei ying couldn't help but notice the eye bags and the overall dull energy that was surrounding Lan zhan. For a minute he got worried but then got back to driving because right now Lan zhan is a just a junior who he just so happens to know.

He drops him off at the main entrance and heads towards the parking lot.

Later that day he saw Lan zhan in the cafeteria eating all by himself and since he didn't have anyone particular to be with, wei ying decided to eat with Lan zhan.

" Hi, do you mind if I have lunch with you?", said Wei ying.

The appearance of Wei ying all of a sudden startled Lan zhan to the point where he almost dropped his chopsticks.

" Yes, go ahead, what are you doing here?", replied Lan zhan.

Wei ying points towards his lunch tray to show it's obvious I'm here to have my lunch to which lan zhan just nodded. They both ate their lunch in silence, but it was mostly just wei ying who ate. And even though he was focused on his lunch he was still able to observe that the younger was eating very little. He didn't feel like he was in a position to say anything because they hardly knew each other so he just kept quiet. In a while it was time for class so they both got up, said their goodbyes and headed over to class.

Wei ying found it difficult to talk to the quiet and anxious lan zhan. From afar you can't notice it but when you sit right Infront of him it's hard to not notice the stress and anxiety in his face and body language. He even found himself being more calm and softer towards him which isn't like him at all. Lan zhan was someone wei ying was careful around because he didn't want to break him but wei ying couldn't help but think that Lan Zhan's already broken.

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