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Authors Note: First, I want to apologize to my readers for the very long delay in the updates. I did not even realize it had been so long since I started this story. I got busy with life and Wattpad stopped working in my country. A lot of things piled up and I was unable to write. I do not know what more to do with this story, so that is why I want to finish this. I hope this chapter makes somewhat sense.

Wei Ying quietly sits on the bed next to the exhausted, sleeping body of Lan Zhan. A half-full glass of water, two phones, and some medicine lie on the side table. The room is riddled with darkness as the light blue satin curtains are drawn shut. Not that it would make a difference – it's the middle of the night. The only thing Wei Ying knows he can do now is wait for Lan Zhan to wake up after bringing him down to his room from the rooftop, and not let him out of sight. It would be an understatement to say the cold-hearted Wei Ying wasn't scared. The thought of losing his friend terrified him.

Was he just a friend? He can't help but ponder on this, however such contemplation must be postponed for another time. As of this moment, he only wants to protect and love his Lan Zhan. His. That did sound nice, he thought.

After a few hours (4 hours and 17 minutes, Wei Ying counted), Lan Zhan woke up all puffy-eyed, groggy and feeling empty inside. As soon as his eyes fell upon his senior, he felt a sense of relief. Even though he hates being vulnerable in front of someone, he despises this air of gloominess around him. "Wei Ying looks like a star, a light I want to chase, I want to be engulfed by, I am so tired of the darkness," Lan Zhan's mind immediately wandered to these thoughts. However, it didn't take long for his thoughts to turn a shade of black as he began thinking about how to explain to Wei Ying what just happened. He's worried that Wei Ying might start to hate or distance himself from him. Wei Ying would simply scoff if he could see inside Lan Zhan's mind right now. There's no way he's letting go of him.

They have a long way to go : figuring what happened on the rooftop, and most importantly, slowly building a friendship. But they will overcome all the challenges and help each other find comfort and love. There is no doubt because they are meant for each other. It was clear from the very first day they met. 

-The End (they will be back)

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