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It felt as if his entire world had come to a halt when he saw Lan Zhan trying to jump off the rooftop. He remembered he had a voice and used it to call out to him. It was almost a whisper, but it was enough for him to turn his head around. Once he had a good look at Lan Zhan's face, plastered with tears, red around the eyes and on the cheeks, it was like someone had forcefully hauled his heart out and stepped on it. Lan Zhan was nothing but a junior whom he had to take under his wing for a brief time. However, in that moment, his heart ached for the beautiful boy who had been hurting all this time. He didn't quite understand this feeling, but one thing was certain: he couldn't stand the idea of losing Lan Zhan.Suddenly, he was snapped back to the present and rushed toward Lan Zhan, wrapping his arms around his neck in a tight, possessive embrace. From afar, it might have appeared sensual, but it was anything but. Lan Zhan, visibly stunned, slowly lifted his hands from where they had been resting to hold Wei Ying's back. They held on to each other as if their very existence depended on it. It did, and if they hadn't known this fact before, they certainly did now.

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