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Classes had started so after that he was unable to see lan zhan again because apart from his studies he participates in the music and art club activities. He did give him his number just in case if the latter came across any problems but lan zhan was the kind of person who would never call.

Wei ying isn't just known in his department but almost the entire campus knows him and soon even lan zhan who keeps himself detached from people, found out just how much of an impact the senior he met had on this campus. His looks, but most importantly how successful, and rich he is are the factors that contribute to this every growing popularity. But despite all that he only has a few friends, and none whom he can call or would even like to call a close, or a best friend.

He believes that as long as a person has enough money, a career set for them and a good academic score they can never be lonely in life. He enjoys hanging out with people but even when he is not it does not  matter to him.

But just because he has already been found and is content with his life, does not mean there are not people who have not been found despite having money and grades. They might need someone to find them.

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