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" Someone's following me, they are screaming at me, they are telling me to die, she is asking me why didn't i save her ".

It is still dark outside, the birds have not woken up yet, the dogs are not barking, there is no sound of drunk students and stereo. Lan zhan wakes up , face covered in tears, body in sweat and hands shaking but there's a kind of quietness spread, instead of the silent whimpers that would usually follow. It's too quiet outside and inside it's getting louder. Lan zhan gets up and heads towards an empty canvas, to paint.

The next morning when he's leaving from his apartment, he runs into wei ying. Since they are meeting after 2 weeks so wei ying insists on giving him a ride to the campus even though he explains he already has a car, However, in a few minutes an exhausted lan zhan who hardly got any sleep last night gave in.

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