Chapter 8

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"What?? Come on." Lucas groaned.

"No can do, mighty Sinclair." Eddie ruffled his hair, much to Lucas's chagrin. "This is an adults only conversation."

"You guys are only like four years older than us." Will grumbled.

"Exactly, four years your senior. Now go. Off with you. Watch a scary movie or something." He ushered for them to go back inside. "That means you too, Henderson."

Dustin looked at Eddie, gutted. "What??"

"Sorry pal, them's the breaks."

With a huff, Dustin went inside with the others. Eddie shut the door behind them and joined the rest of the group by the pool just as Argyle pulled out a Tupperware container filled with pre-rolled blunts.

"Alright my dudes and Judes," Argyle started, slowly, "I've got a special strain of Purple Palm Tree Delight for this very occasion. An occasion I'd like to officially christen as: 'Eddie Munson Returns: Vampire Edition: The Sequel: 2'."

Steve scoffed lightly. "Really?"

"Argyle." Eddie cupped Argyle's face. "Truly a man after my own heart." He planted a big, comical kiss on his forehead and took a blunt from the container. Nancy blinked at them.

"We're not... We're not going to smoke those are we?" She muttered.

Robin gave her a soft nudge and smirked. "You nervous, Wheeler?"

Nancy blushed. "Wh- No. I just... I've..." She cleared her throat. "I've never really... done this before."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Neither has Steve."

Steve rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Robin."

"What? It's true." She shrugged.

A mischievous gleam entered Eddie's eye. "Is that so?" He craned to look at Steve, who just flicked the side of his head. Eddie cackled and swatted his hand away. "Hey! Don't worry, big boy, I'll show you how to do it."

"Wow, what would I do without you?" Steve replied sarcastically.

They sat around the pool, feet in the water, as Argyle lit the first blunt. He took a deep hit, before passing it to Jonathan, then to Robin, and so on. Robin showed Nancy how to properly inhale, which of course ended in her coughing up a storm from getting too much.

"There it is!" Jonathan chuckled. "Congrats on your first hit."

Nancy could barely reply over her burning throat. She raised a weak thumbs up and passed the blunt to Steve.

"So I just... inhale?" He muttered as he examined it.

"That's the idea." Jonathan said, lying back as the high fogged his brain. Eddie took the blunt from him.

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