Chapter 9

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Light had finally begun to spill through the curtains with the early morning sun. Steve tossed and turned on the floor, shifting from one uncomfortable position to the next. He'd drifted in and out of sleep all night, barely able to stay asleep for more than an hour at a time. He finally sat up and looked at his alarm clock, bleary eyed. 7 AM. He sighed, deciding to just get up for good. He wasn't getting any more zzzs.

Eddie, on the other hand, had slept soundly all night. Steve was just glad he was able to relax after the night terror the other day. The past few days, Eddie had gotten probably the shittiest sleep of his life and he more than needed the rest. He just looked... peaceful. Steve noticed the way his lashes laid against his cheeks, and the soft rise and fall of his chest in sleep.

His rings were laid on the table next to him. Steve picked one up and examined it, turning it over in his hands. It was large and heavy with a silver pig head on the front, scratched up and dirty from years of constantly being worn. He looked up at the boy in his bed, thinking about how despite the wild clothes, the grotesque rings, and the freak outsider persona he tried to inhabit, Eddie Munson was one of the most gentle people he knew.

With the realization dawning on him that he'd, once again, been lost in thought about Eddie, Steve sighed in annoyance and set the ring down, heat rising on his cheeks.

Why does he affect him so much? Why can't he stop thinking about him?

Steve stood up and quietly exited the room. He was just... jealous of how cool and... attractive Eddie was. Jealousy. A friendly rivalry. That must be it. It was fine to think other guys were attractive, right? It's not like it meant anything beyond that.

When he got downstairs, he crept past the living room, being careful not to wake the zoo of sleeping teenagers. Slipping into the kitchen, he found Nancy sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee.

She looked up at him in surprise "Oh, you're awake."

"Yeah." Steve yawned, stretching his back. He walked to the coffee pot and poured himself a cup. "I couldn't really sleep at all. How about you?"

"Like a rock. Sorry we kind of just... climbed into a random bed." She snorted, embarrassed. "We were really tired. I figured out it was your parents' room when I woke up."

Steve chuckled. "Don't worry about it." He sat down in front of her and blew on the hot coffee. "You and Robin seemed to have a good time last night."

Her cheeks blushed just the tiniest bit and she smiled. "Oh, yeah. We're becoming pretty close actually. It's been really fun having her around."

Steve smirked a bit and sipped his coffee. He definitely caught the blush. "I'm glad. You two make a pretty good pair."

The pink on her cheeks burned a little brighter and she sipped her coffee, avoiding his stare. The door to the kitchen opened and Robin stepped in, rubbing her eyes groggily.

"Why the hell are you up so early?" She muttered as she slipped into a chair between them. "It's stay-asleep-o'clock right now."

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