Chapter 15

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"Okay, so," Steve began, a little hesitantly, "we're gonna have to figure out this whole blood situation."

They hadn't really broached the topic at all... it seemed that between the two of them, they'd mastered the subtle art at avoiding important conversations at any and all costs. Eddie sighed, perching his chin on his hand, nodding absently. In truth, Eddie's mind was lost in thought about the kids' theories. It was crazy, yes, but he couldn't deny that unfortunately... it seemed plausible. Why was any of this happening to him?

Steve continued. "I was thinking we could try to keep a regular schedule - "

Was the creature in his dreams real?

"- even ration it out a little. We'll want to stretch it out as much -"

Were there actually other vampires in Hawkins? If so, where were they?

"- don't want you losing control -"

What was going to happen? What was going to happen to him ? Was he-

"Eddie." Steve sighed, breaking him from the trance he'd inadvertently slipped into.

He blinked several times and sat up straight. "Hm?"

"Are you even listening?"

"Yeah, yeah. Totally." He lied, nodding profusely, definitely overdoing it. Harrington rolled his eyes and rubbed his face with a groan.

"I don't know why you're not taking this as seriously as you should. This is all about you and how to fix your situation."

"I am taking this seriously!" Eddie whined. He slumped back in his chair and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "'Kay, so... I wasn't listening. I'm a little distracted by the fact that I might not be the only monster in Hawkins anymore. Sue me."

Steve's brows furrowed. Eddie had never referred to himself as monster before, and it certainly wasn't how Steve saw him. He wasn't completely human anymore, no, but that didn't mean he wasn't the same Eddie they'd practically gone to war with. The same one who DM'd the kid's campaigns, hated Steve's music, made them laugh when things got tense, and made everything dramatic to a fault. The same Eddie that fascinated Steve Harrington. He was not a monster, no matter how much he said it.

"Is that how you see yourself? A monster?"

Eddie's expression flickered for a moment. He should have been more measured with his words, this was not the time for a therapy session. "No, I-" he sighed, "forget it."

"Eddie -" Steve tried, but Munson waved him off.

"Come on, tell me about the blood thing or whatever." His tone was final. Steve pressed his lips together, but conceded. Eddie didn't want to talk about it, fine. He couldn't force it. Steve almost thought against it, but then decided fuck it, and reached out to take Eddie's hand. When their fingers interlaced, Eddie's expression softened as he glanced up at the boy in front of him.

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