Chapter 10

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On the outskirts of Hawkins, Steve's BMW sped down the highway, kicking up dirt as it ran over the rarely traveled roads. Eddie sat in the passenger seat, drumming idly against the dashboard. It was at least a 30 minute drive to get all the way out to Wayne's trailer, and the two had settled into a comfortable silence as the radio played a few popular, albeit overplayed songs. 'We Built This City" was just beginning to play, causing Munson to groan.

"I can't stand this song." He muttered.

Steve glanced over. "Really? I like it. It's catchy."

"That doesn't surprise me."

Steve snorted and shot him a glare. Eddie didn't respond, he just watched as the tree line passed them by. He was particularly grumpy today, constantly fighting the urge to make smartass comments to Steve, who was just trying to be nice. It wasn't Steve's fault. Eddie hadn't had anything to drink since last week and he was beginning to get antsy. Having someone with blood pumping through their veins so close to him wasn't doing him any favors.

His lack of blood consumption also began to manifest in physical symptoms. His nails were steadily darkening, beginning to sharpen to a point, his skin had lost its luster, and the bags under his eyes were much more prominent. He looked as tired as he felt. The song finally started fading out and the radio DJ began his usual spiel.

"Hello and welcome back to WFXN, your station for all things rock, pop, and more. We actually have some breaking news from our neighbors in Hawkins - "

Eddie glanced up as his attention became fixed to the radio.

" - some really tragic news. Curry Farm, one of the town's biggest grain providers has shut down all production in the wake of a police investigation unfolding this morning."

His brows furrowed as he listened.

"The owners, Linda and Dale Curry, were found dead on their property by staff. Several of the livestock were also reported either missing or deceased with some distressing injuries, likely pointing to an animal attack. Foul play is not being considered at this time. Local law enforcement will be conducting a search of the area to track down the animal. Just try to stay safe out there, folks. The Curry's were 74 and 75 respectively at the time of their - "

"Jesus, this is depressing." Steve changed the station, snapping Eddie out of his thoughts. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and looked out the window. Something about that broadcast filled him with unease, but he chalked it up to his bad mood and tried to forget about it.


When they pulled up to the property, Wayne wasn't home. Eddie knew that his uncle had work around this time, so there was a good chance they'd be able to get in and get out without arousing any suspicion. They got out of the car and walked up to the door. Eddie reached under the mat to grab their spare key and clicked it into place.

"That doesn't seem very secure." Steve joked.

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