Chapter 30- More Than Just a Dream

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"So what's the plan, again?" Lance asks.

I don't make eye contact with him as I peek over the stack of barrels we were hiding behind, watching as the Saporians load their hot air balloon ship with the Qurinian Varian created. "Varian, Rapunzel, and I are going to sneak onto that ship, and we're going to neutralize the Qurinian using the compound Varian created."

"There's enough Qurinian on that ship to destroy Corona ten times over." Varian nervously says.

"Oh no..." Rapunzel gasps.

I follow her worried gaze to Andrew loading our blissfully ignorant parents into a carriage. Once they are inside, Andrew locks them up and turns to the muscular Saporian whose arms are covered by tattoos. "Take them to the outskirts of Corona to watch their kingdom fall." He smirks, tossing him the key. Andrew then hops onto a stack of barrels that are being lifted onto the ship by a crane. "Once it's done, get rid of them."

The Saporian nods and snaps the reins on the horse pulling the carriage. "Now fly, mighty steed!"

As the carriage takes off, Rapunzel's head snaps over to Eugene. "Eugene, I need you guys to free my parents.

Eugene exchanges a look with Lance and they both smirk. "You heard her boys, let's go."

Lance, Eugene, and Max begin running after the carriage, right as Andrew cuts the tether holding the ship to the ground and sets it free. "For Saporia!!" He cries.

"We've got to get on that ship!" Rapunzel exclaims.

I grin at her. "Leave it to me, sis," I say, grabbing my wooden bow and an arrow from the quiver on my back. I quickly snatch a nearby rope and wrap it around the arrow. Without hesitation, I shoot the arrow into the night sky, and it pernitrates the wooden base of the ship. "Everyone grab ahold of the rope!" I command.

Varian and Rapunzel follow my order, and within seconds we were being pulled into the air with the ship. We slowly begin climbing up the rope, when suddenly, the first barrel of Qurinian goes flying over the side of the ship. Rapunzel swiftly lassos it with her hair, stopping it from falling onto the kingdom below. Varian and I let out a collective sigh of relief and we continue climbing. The three of us hoisted ourselves onto the ship and then pulled the barrel up with us. We smirked at one another when we saw the Saporians staring over the side of the ship with dumbfounded expressions, wondering why the Qurinian hadn't set off an explosion yet. 

"You dropped something?" Rupunzel asked with a cocky grin.

The Saporians snapped around and sent us death glares. "You..." Andrew said with a scowl.

They slowly began approaching us, closing us in as they did so. "Varian, grab the neutralizing particle from (yn) and neutralize the Coronion-"

I sigh as Rapunzel mispronounced the name of the Qurinian, knowing all too well how Varian would react. Here we go...

"Qurinian, Rapunzel." Varian corrects. "Say it with me. Qur-in-"

Varian is cut off as one of the Saprorians throws a punch at him, which he quickly dodges. As Varian dashes away, I block the Saporian so he couldn't go after him. He chuckles at me as I get into a fighting stance.  "Back down while you have the chance, princess." He sneers.

I only roll my eyes. "When will you men ever learn?" I scoff as the Saporian charges at me, only for me to block his punch and swiftly kick my leg right into his stomach, knocking the air out of him. "That's for taking over my kingdom!" As he falls backward, I grab ahold of his long gray beard, and slam my fist into his face, knocking him out cold. "And that's for trying to hurt my friend."

 𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽-𝓜𝓮-𝓝𝓸𝓽 (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now