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"Baby by the way what is your name?" Pete ask to the Venice caressing his cheeks softly.

Teacher it's Venice the... (before he could say Theerapanyakul his conscience hit him )

(Pete squeeze his eyes )

Venice the good boy he said trying to sound normal.

So Baby Venice the good boy would you like to share with me what had happened to your mama back then.

Actually teacher I am 2 year old when my mama passed away daddy always use to tell me that God take away the good person very swiftly.But you know teacher that isn't the real reason I know I am small but I am smart to understand that it's the blood cancer that takes away my mama from me.You know teacher Daddy Never let me feel the absence of my mama he gives me all his attention and loves but you know teacher sometimes I feel very dejected seeing other enjoying with their mama.

"Teacher Pete can I hug you" Venice said eyes fill with tears.

How can Pete said no to the baby who looks so devastated right now.

Come here baby,he again hug the Venice Infront of him kissing his temple drawing round and round in his little back to comfort him.

Baby you know, everyone has to left this world either earlier or later.We can't change our destiny you know .You are strong baby.You still got your daddy Right,so be happy with him.Do we want to call your daddy Right now ? Pete asked to Venice.

No Venice shout.Teacher actually daddy must be busy in the meeting so it's better not to call him otherwise he will be Disturbed.

Pete nodded and asked again so do you want to have ice cream with me this weekend.Venice couldn't believe what his teacher said right now.The amount of excitement running through his nervous system he couldn't explain how much he was happy to hear this.He was thinking of plan how to spend more time with Pete but couldn't think of anything and now the offer is direct from that particular person how can he reject it.He clearly nodded while suppressing his Happiness appearing from in his face

In this day Vegas seem to be busy but he had noticed that his son looks way much happier than he used to be and nowadays he looks more closer to his Grandy than he used to be.He never asked him to dropped him to his school.He always takes his grandy to his school.

In the Friday Night during dinner time Vegas came to join his Daddy and son for the dinner.Venice and Mr.gun were quite during their dinner which made Vegas to be suspicious of them.

"Venice" Vegas called him.

"Yes daddy"

"Does anything special had happened in your school"Vegas questioned to Venice without taking eyes off from him.

"What's special daddy?" Venice answered stuttering his word.

Vegas looked at his son squinting his eyes.

"Nowadays you looks more lively and happy and doesn't even ask me to drop you in the school"

"Aww that thing, daddy actually our class teacher is pregnant so she is on leave for few months and to replace her we got new teacher.You know daddy that teacher is very cute and pretty and when teacher smile the dimples that popped out is even better than my daddy"
(Venice intentionally doesn't revealed the gender otherwise his daddy will doubt that there is literally going something in between him and his Grandy)

"That's it nah! nothing else is going in your school".

"NOTHING ELSE DADDY"Venice said with assuring smile plaster on his face.

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