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After realizing what vegas has said he went up stair immediately after him, while his granny and his ma kept shouting at him.

What the hell are you doing here vegas? You are trespassing, I will call police right now. He said trying to scare vegas. But vegas is vegas who could scare him, specially this cutie pie standing in front of him right now.

Vegas sigh!

Ok, call them I also need them to file a case he said casually.

Now pete remain there confuse, why he need them

He gave confuse glare to vegas

Vegas just smile evily at pete.

Venice teacher, Mr. Pete Saengathm I wanna file a case against you for kidnapping my son and keeping him with you without his parent consent.

Pete couldn’t believe what vegas was blaming him for

You can’t use venice in this vegas, pete said with deadly glare.

Who said I’m using him? Vegas said raising his eyebrow.

You know I hadn’t kidnapped him and he came here by himself.

Yeah, I am aware of it but police ain’t vegas said backfiring pete.

Vegas pete shout.

Pete, You know I get the thing either by hook or by crook and I’m here just to live with my son as he want to but you are making difficult for me. So, I have to adopt this way of staying here.

Pete glare at him

Fine, you want to stay here cause venice is staying here right? Pete asked

Without saying anything vegas just nod.

OK ( with saying this pete immediately went down in the living room where venice is present) Vegas also followed him.

Changing his expression in his face with a smile one, baby venice, would you like to go to your home, teacher pete is likely to have pesticide work in few hours here and I don’t think our baby venice can handle that and also teacher pete doesn’t want that his baby will have allergy due to some pesticide, pete said reaching his hand  into venice cheek to caress his cheek.

Venice was confused, a moment ago it was all fine but now it is reversed, pete sending venice home this fast isn’t in their plan. What he need to do? His small brain couldn’t process it, he kept remain silent, tear started to form in his eyes.

Will you baby? Pete asked once again.

Venice again remain silent.

Pete what are you doing? You never told us that we are having pesticide work here, his granny said confused.

Granny he said in dominant voice.

But teacher pete I want ….

You can came here some other days but right now I guess it is best for you to go with your daddy.

But pa.. teacher pete…

Hurting kid feeling cause you can’t withstand the sight of Me, vegas said from the behind.

Pete turn his head toward the direction of the sound coming from, he immediately went to him and gave him a tight slap.

Everyone was shocked with this behavior of pete.

But vegas was smiling like a maniac after getting the slap from the pete.

Hurting someone feeling is your job not mine vegas and stop dragging venice in this, I am warning you.

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