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In the evening

As usual Pete came to receive venice after the school is over. But today is different from usual cause he has just given his car for full servicing but when he was on the way to the school again. His engine was malfunctioning but some how he came as he have developed a habit of taking venice home safely. He has just said everything is fine in his car in the morning but he never thought that his own will backfired him like this in the evening. He just cursed internally.

Venice was in the passenger seat while pete was trying to restart the car but he failed for the nth time after his nth try.

“Teacher pete I’m hungry let’s go fast I want to eat meal made by granny.” Venice said rubbing his stomach.

Baby, seems like there is problem with the engine. One more try if it won’t work then we need to have cab baby.

“Teacher, elephant is running inside my stomach.” Venice said grumpily.

OK, fine let me find the cab. Saying this he took out his mobile phone for finding the can nearby him.

Need some help. Vegas said lowering his window glass sheet.

Daddy, venice shout after he saw his daddy.

Vegas came down from his car and went to the side of pete window glass and knocked on it which was already lowered down but just to grab the attention of pete who was busy in his mobile phone.

He looks at vegas boringly.


“I Guess you need some help.” Vegas said with a wide smile on his face.

NO pete said nonchalantly. And it doesn’t take any second to drop the smile on vegas face.

“Teacher pete “venice whined

“Baby wait for few minutes cab is arriving in few minutes.” Pete said trying to coax him.


Baby pete said with pout.

Vegas was still standing there.

A few minutes later a cab arrive and pete took venice out from his car locking his own car. After Confirming if it is the same car he had booked or not , he went to open the door but vegas stopped him.

Vegas, pete look at him with confusion.

Vegas went to the driver seat and take out a stack of note from his pocket offering it to the driver. Giving him sign to leave already without taking his passenger. And who would have ignored those stack of notes. The driver smile happily receiving such huge amount of money without any passenger. He left the way he came. Vegas smile happily.

Vegas! Pete called for him.

“What is this behavior?” Pete asked him keeping his both hand on his waist.

Vegas gives a tight smile to pete.

Pete, I’m here in first place and the cab driver can’t take the opportunity from me to spend some time with you( winking at pete) and gives a innocent looks to his son.

Vegas this isn’t child play and what with that huge sum. You can’t spend such large amount like this. Are you insane vegas?

“Well, if loving you makes me look insane, then I’m alright with being insane” vegas said giving a kiss in the air directed to pete.

Pete become flustered. How comes he can say like this infront of his own son? Pete thought.

While venice was laughing covering his mouth with his palm.

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