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Pete sigh and walk in the direction of vegas room which is used to be store room till today’s morning but got change later after the entry of Vegas. He boringly knock on the door but vegas didn’t respond once again he knock on the door but this time also vegas didn’t open it so, being getting sleep he open the door by himself saying his house and he can do anything he want in his house.

I’m the owner of this house, so I have the right to enter every room of my house, I don’t care if it belong to any theerapankyul  or any one right now, he tried to remind himself while self murmuring.

When he enter in the room, there is no one, he tried to search for him but seems the room swallow him. Not caring where vegas is, he went to keep the jug of water in the night and stand and afterward he could he will leave he said to himself. But before he could reach the night stand the door to the bathroom fling open. And there is he, a towel being surrounded around his waist, water dripping from neck region to abdomen and then to the region pete didn’t want to see. Standing with a towel in his hand trying to remove excess water from his hair, he almost look like the God of creation himself arrive in the form of Vegas. The muscular biceps and the abs that almost make pete to dropped the jug of water and swallowing the lump that has been stuck in his throat that he didn’t even know. But thanks to his conscience he came very fast from his trance state and hold the jug of water so tight.

 But thanks to his conscience he came very fast from his trance state and hold the jug of water so tight

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Vegas clearly staring him without blinking while pete lowering his head not wanting to see so much exposed part of vegas and was controlling so hard from throwing himself in the arm of the person standing on the way of bathroom.( If  I was there I would have thrown myself already to vegas)

“Seems like teacher themselves need to teach the mannerism “ vegas said with a smirk on his face ( as if he isn’t the one who has requested granny to send pete in his room)

Stuttering . I .. I

I what saying this vegas started to walk toward the direction of pete.Pete stand still holding the jug of water even more tighter.

I .. ( closing his eyes to gain little confidence to speak )  Granny  send me to give you the water as she saw you have come in your room without water so she thought you  might feel thirsty so here( showing the jug of water)

Vegas smile evily.. well I am thirsty tho, she is right( taking the water jug from pete hand) Still staring at pete. Pete gaze met vegas one and he immediately lower his gaze. Vegas smile more evily but internally.

Pete.. Vegas called for him.

Rolling his eyes looking everywhere in the room but vegas he answered with yes

I’m thirsty he said

So what! ( Pete spoke with the tone saying than what can I do, you do have that jug can’t you drink) He look up in the vegas direction.

But the moment he turn his direction he swear himself that he doesn’t want to see that. Vegas drinking the water gulping every drop that made his adam apple to rise and sink with the every drop of water his drinking make pete to regret his life decision of entering in vegas room.  He literally shaken of with the vegas way of drinking water and the still exposed half body isn’t doing well for him. So he tried to leave the  room immediately , but before he could pass vegas,vegas hand grip pete wrist stopping him on his way. Pete was literally praying god that, he didn’t want to see vegas in that half naked condition, he is hardly trying to suppress his emotion and vegas doing this is making difficult for pet.Vegas put the water jug in the night stand still holding the pete wrist.


What pete said trying to suppress his emotion.

Ummm..( Leaving pete wrist and moving infront of pete) You said you don’t have feeling for me right.

Gaining all his strength from somewhere he didn’t even know he replied with the answer yes clearly and directly looking toward the vegas.

Vegas smile ( pete thought does he become mad)

He gives vegas a judgemental look.

So, if I kiss you, you won’t feel anything right.

Huh ! what

Yeah, I mean you already said that you don’t have any feeling for me so if I kiss you won’t be any problem right vegas said nonchalantly.

Pete look at vegas from up to down before saying and why do you think I will allow you to kiss me Mr.Theerapankyul.

Well, if that the case then I will assume that you still have feeling for me and I might hit on you right afterward.

The thought of vegas hitting him again make a smile appear on his face, but he shrugged it off before anyone could notice but the way vegas is staring him the moment he enter in the room without blinking, that smile couldn’t be hidden anymore.

No, I don’t have any  feeling for you and I won’t allow you to kiss me think whatever you want to think he said folding his both arm.

Vegas just chuckle, Ok I was just saying that you don’t have any feeling for me so I should look for someone who could take care of venice and me as I’m getting old and venice is still baby. So he need someone who can take care of him properly feed him properly. So it’s been eight year since I have kissed someone and I had forget like how to kiss someone. So I thought of taking help from as you don’t have any feeling so it won’t affect you as we have already kiss ..

Before vegas can say more pete shush him, stop your nonsense.

Well, pete it just that I want to have…

No word vegas.. just sleep.

So you do still have feeling for me. I can hit on y.

This time pete shut vegas mouth but with his own lip.Vegas just smile. And started to eating pete lip at first tasting every corner of pete lip, it still taste the same as strawberry. While it wasn’t enough vegas demanded for pete to open his mouth and as in trance pete open it for vegas without any restriction.Vegas  enterwined his own tongue with pete one eating everything  inside pete mouth. The wait of eight year, the desperation in their kissing can be seen. Both of them eating each other tho it started with passionate kiss but ended up being wild. When pete was out of breathe, he realized what he has done and what he can’t undo. He had never moved on from vegas, it was just his mind tricking him making him thought that he could forget vegas. But the thing was he had never ever tried to forget him.

He left the room running without saying anything.

You do still love me, vegas said with a pure smile licking his lip( tasting the taste of strawberry)

Thank you for reading 😊 Hope you like it 🤗 And please ignore my grammatical and spelling errors 😉

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