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"Ooh, who is that?" Onika hears from the front of the shop.

"Kaila and Kairo get your stuff." She says walking into her office wiping her hands dry.

"Don't even look her way." Brooke says as she rolls her eyes.

"Hey I'm Car-"

"Not interested." Onika states putting the kids' bag on Bey's arm.

"At all." Bey says before shooting the woman a smile. "When's your next head?" She asks wrapping her free arm around Onika's waist.

"Like two hours and 45. My 2:15 cancelled. Why?" Onika asks looking up at her.

"Go get your bag. Let's go get lunch." Bey says before pecking her lips.

"My fingers are cramping and my back hurts." She pouts and Bey nods pecking her lips.

"How many heads do you have left? I can give yo-"

"Manini why my mom here?" Kaila frowns wrapping her arms around Onika's leg.

"G!" Alyssa shouts walking into the shop. "G I told you to keep your sluts away from my baby!" She yells grabbing Kaila's arm.

"Didn't I tell you about coming to my auntie shop showing your ass?" Nika asks her and Bey groans.

"Ain't you supposed to be in Miami? How you know we was here anyway?" Bey frowns at her.

"I leave tonight and it's like you be forgetting Brooke is my sister!" She yells at her still trying to get Kaila to release Onika's leg.

"Let her go mane. You leaving anyway." Bey says gripping her hand.

"And I'm taking her to my mom's house! I can't stand yo ass!" She says and Onika sighs picking up a now crying Kaila.

"Get that bitch out of my auntie shop before I have to whoop her ass." She tells Bey. "And stop grabbing on her like that before she get a br-"

"Bitch she's my ch-"

Bey grips Alyssa's upper arm dragging her out of the shop.

"Stop calling her out of her name. I don't give a fuck how mad you is." She grits at her.

"Go get my baby out of there Beyoncé." She mutters crossing her arms.

"No, she's good where she's at. Go on your little trip before you not be going anywhere." Bey replies before walking back into the building just to see Onika and Brooke in a screaming match.

"Cookie calm down." Bey tells her.

"I don't run behind a motha fuckin' thing!" Onika yells at her.

"Cookie Monster." Bey says sternly and Onika steps away from Brooke.

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