16. Sweet and Scary

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"Nimrit," Nivedya's voice was a whisper mixed with heavy breathing because he covered the vast distance from the parking lot to the football ground at jet speed. But Nimrit heard him and walked towards him quickly.

"You came?" Nimrit had lost hope that Nivedya would come but she was certain she would wait for him till time allowed.

"I am sorry. I am so sorry, I forgot. Why did you wait for so long?" Nivedya could not believe a beautiful girl like Nimrit would ever wait for someone, but she did, and it was for him.

"You said you will come, and I know you keep your promises. I am just happy you came even after whatever I said to you." Nimrit looked tired, but her eyes were hopeful.

"Shit! I am sorry, I completely forgot. What happened with eighth-grade boys? Raghav was saying something, but I could not comprehend." Nivedya moved an inch closer to Nimrit whose smile disappeared when he mentioned the boys from the other class.

Nimrit looked down and admitted, "What you feared happened. What you were trying to explain would happen, happened. Ayush and Munshi from class eight heard our conversation and... Anyways, that's settled because Raghav came on time. But I just wanted to apologise for saying mean words to you and ignoring what you were trying to make me understand. I called you an intrusive, dictator...  I..." Nimrit inhaled a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second to frame appropriate words, "I get it that you were just warning me because probably you know more and I... Urgh! Will you accept my sorry? Will you forgive me? I do not want to lose a friend, like you." Nimrit sounded low and it took every ounce in Nivedya to not give her a comforting hug.

"Damn! Nimrit stop! You don't need to say 'sorry' so many times. It's okay to disagree. We are two different individuals who have our perceptions. Besides, you didn't say anything so bad to me that you regret it. Have you heard what Collin and I call each other?" Nivedya asked her to lighten the heavy air. "God bless your ears someday. It's getting late, let's go. I do not want your father to think I have kidnapped his daughter." It wasn't one of Nivedya's best jokes but it was at that moment, he saw how a smile appears on Nimrit's face.

First, her eyes blink, her left eye crinkles before her right adding plumpness to her already chubby cheeks, and finally, her lips twitch upwards into a  smile more delightful than the first rain.

"Beautiful," Words left Nivedya's mouth automatically and Nimrit's eyes met his getting the answer she was searching for. Filling her with an emotion she was finding hard to ignore. Saying nothing more and fighting the unexplainable feelings, Nivedya and Nimrit walked toward the parking area.

It was a long walk but none talked.
Their three pm shadows were two parallel lines that never meet
Pounding hearts and striking minds didn't know how to find respite.

Nimrit sat in her father's car after making an excuse as to why she got late. Nivedya waved a small bye to her from his bus ignoring Collin's comments. There were lots of things that occupied Nivedya's thoughts, but he was most excited about meeting his new tuition teacher and her cycle.

At 4 pm sharp Swarnima reached Nivedya's house. Before Rose could open the door for her Nivedya reached and dragged her to his room.

"Now tell me how did you do it? I couldn't sleep for the whole night. I am dying to tell my friends about it." Nivedya said all in one breath.

Swarnima smiled sweetly at his excitement and affirmed, "You shall get all your answers. Answers, as to how the cycle got converted and the answers to  the questions you have in your Mathematics book."

Nivedya knew what she meant, so he muttered, "Fine," and opened his books.

Rose entered the room with coffee and cookies for them. She was surprised to see Nivedya was studying with full concentration, so she left the room. After about two hours when Nivedya and Swarnima came out of the room, Abhedya was entering the house.

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