66. Bon Voyage! Sweetheart!

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Every creation has its destiny.

Dickey chuckled and remarked, "That's a wise choice but we are going so that we can take better care of Reet. We came here to patch up our relationship and thankfully we were able to do so in Amber's presence. His death was unforeseen and unfortunate. I know you are not very fond of us but we have realised that we were at fault too and want to repent for our sins. So, just pack your bags so that we can leave on the next train."

Nimrit shook her head negatively and said, "No. I don't trust you. I will not let you take Mumma." Nimrit went inside Reet's room and saw that she was still staring out of the window with tear tear-stricken face.

"Mumma, please get up. Dickey Mama wants to take us away from our home. The home Papa built with his hard work and gifted you with love. We can't part away from here. Please Mumma say something. You cannot do this to me once again, Mumma. Please." Reet looked at Nimrit with a blank expression because she didn't understand a word she said. Nimrit's plea went unheard and Reet again shifted her focus to the backyard where Amber was shot.

Nimrit could hear arguments going on in the hall while her mother sitting lifeless on her bed. With a heavy heart, she went inside her room and Nivedya followed her. He told her that they were working on a solution.

Nimrit looked at Nivedya like memorising the way he looked and said in a defeated tone, "You and I both know there is no solution and I cannot leave Mumma with them." Nimrit held Nivedya's hand between her palms and said, "Be my strength and help me pack."

"No," Nivedya shouted at the top of his voice and everyone came to Nimrit's room. He picked up a knife and put a cut across Nimrit's palm making it bleed. He did the same to his and then held their hands together. "My ancestors have married their lovers by the bond of blood and today I am doing the same. I am marrying you and nothing can separate me from my wife. I am a prince and capable of taking care of my wife and her family."

If proving love was a task, Nivedya would win incontestably. Shock was written in bold and capitalised on everyone's face except for Dickey.

He clapped his hands and remarked, "Wow! Prince Nivedya Rajvanshi, you are most certainly whipped by Nimrit, that you took such a bold step. But let me break your bubble..."

Dickey separated their hands and threw a bomb on the newly married, "Nimrit is a princess too and in her kingdom, the bond of blood is not counted as marriage." Looking at Nivedya's expression and Nimrit's guilty face Dickey asked her, "haven't you told them?" Nimrit didn't reply but Dickey got his answer.

He came into the centre of the room and gave the breaking news to everyone, "Nimrit's biological father was, Parbatjeet Singh Rajdha, the descendant of the former ruler of Bilaspur, a small district in Punjab but big enough to make Nimrit the sole heir to property worth billions. Probably more than Prince Nivedya's share of inheritance. Therefore, it increases my responsibility to guard my niece and my sister from fraudsters."

Nivedya looked at Nimrit in disbelief but she sobbed softly and mouthed a "sorry" to him before turning around, unable to show her face to anyone.

Dickey told her with finality that she had just an hour to gather her stuff.

"Ashk, please come and don't stretch the matter. As soon as Reet recovers you can come back if you want." Nimrit's nani addressed Nimrit by her maiden name which she despised but that also meant she had no choice but to comply with her instructions.

Nivedya sat with a thud on the bed. He felt cheated and deceived. Swarnima asked Nimrit to tell the truth, and she elucidated, "I hated every second of being called a princess because the man who gave me the title was a demon. Swarnbhoomi is the only princely state, so technically there are no princesses and princes in India. Nevertheless, I do have royal blood in me. Only God knows the number of properties in my name that I can claim when I turn eighteen. However, every month I get a handsome amount from the trust that is in my name, but we donate the amount. Using that devil's money would make us a devil as well. I was going to tell Nivi everything but... Papa... He left us in this quagmire from which we cannot come out."

Nimrit wiped her tears and continued, "I was quite small and did not understand the drugs my mother was kept under to keep her in control. But now I am big, strong, and can fight if it is required. I will go with Mama and come back as soon as Mumma is fine. Can you all forgive us for this mess and the truth we have hidden from you?"

In a heartbeat, Abhedya engulfed Nimrit in his strong embrace and assured her they will figure a way out of this mess. Nivedya left the room and Rudra went behind him. Swarnima tried to bandage Nimrit's hand but she refused and said, "This is a very special wound Nim D and nothing can bandage it."

Swarnima and Abhedya helped Nimrit pack her stuff and soon huge bags were being loaded in a car. Shakti fought with Reet's mother and Dickey, but there was nothing that could change their decision. Raghav decided to go with Nimrit, but Dickey called him an illegitimate and cursed child, refusing his entry into the house.

After a long session of goodbyes and instructions, Nimrit sat in the car but her eyes were searching for Nivedya. Raghav went to call him, but he was sitting on the sofa like a rock.

Reet walked like a blind person without a stick. She didn't know when the stairs came and where the door was. Pri helped her sit in the car and gave Nimrit a list of medicines.

When the ignition of the car was turned on, loud sobs made it difficult for Nimrit to control herself. She longed to see Nivedya but he was nowhere. The car moved ahead taking Nimrit far, far away from her first love. In the rearview mirror, she finally saw his reflection, and told the driver to stop.

She got down and ran towards Nivedya hugging him with all her might. She found her peace before departing from Swarnbhoomi.

Nivedya cried and begged her to not go but she requested him to not make it difficult for her. They decided to talk daily on the phone and Nimrit gave him the address of her maternal home.

"Nivi will come and stay in the house opposite your mama's house, then you can romance like neighbours." Abhedya tried to cheer up the broken souls, and he did manage to earn their smiles between tears.

"Folks, turn around," Nivedya ordered his family and everyone gave space to the lovey doves who kissed each other with all stops out.

After a mind-blowing kiss, Nimrit held Nivedya's face between her sweaty palms and affirmed, "With the choice vested in my hands, I now pronounce us man and wife. I You, you, Nivi. Wait for me." She kissed his forehead and ran to the car where Dickey fired a moral lecture to her that fell on deaf ears.


Destined to collide, they found themselves on paths that led to enmity—a choice made amidst the chaos of life. Fate weaved a complex yet colourful crochet, an unexpected force took hold, and they were drawn helplessly into the irresistible embrace of love.

A power beyond their control, defying reason and logic, bound their hearts together, transcending the animosity that once defined them. In the face of destiny's design, love blossomed like a fragile yet resilient flower, transforming their world in ways they could have never imagined.

Dear Readers,
This brings us to the end of book I. Kindle to Rekindle is a delicately woven story that has the freshness and innocence of teen romance that is often ridiculed and criticised by the society.
People often think that one needs to understand what love really means and fourteen year olds are too young for it. What they should understand is that love is not a concept one needs to know but it is a feeling that one can experience at any point of time in their life. Its raw and organic nature makes it appealing and adulteration free.

Kindle to Rekindle part II shall commence soon( most likely in 2024). What it holds for our teen sweethearts you will have to wait and find out. Though I will be elated if you share your version of the story with me in the comments section or via direct messages.

Drop in votes and comments they mean a lot.
Stay hooked!
Lots of love!
Ankita- Dramaticaurora

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