Five Weeks Later...

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*Logan's Point of View.* 

"Logan Lockwood," the nurse calls out into the waiting room.  

I get up and give the nurse a small smile. She returns the smile and leads me to the scale.  

I've been waining weight and been sick for awhile. I'm not really sure what's going on so I decided that a trip to the doctor was in order.  

She smiles as she records my swelling weight and guides me to the measuring thing on the wall. She records my height and tells me I'm a little over five and a half feet.  

I smile triumphantly at the half inch I grew . I've finally reached my goal height. 

The nurse leads me into a room, checks my blood pressure and asks me about my symptoms.  

"Well, I've gained quite a bit of weight, as you can tell," I start. 

"Honey, five pounds is not quite a bit of weight," she laughs, 

"It is for me," I laugh lightly, "Anyway, I've been throwing up a lot and I'm either always hungry, tired or both."  

The nurse looks at me with a weary smile. "There isn't anyway you could he pregnant is there, hun?" she asks. 

"Wha-what?" I stutter.  

"I think you should get some tests done, hun. Pregnancy tests," the nurse said with a serious face.  

My mouth drops open and all I can do is nod as she walks out of the room. I put my head in my hands and think. 

I have been late and all of the symptoms fit. No, no, no. This cannot be happening. I'm only nineteen years old. 

*Niall's Point of View.* 

It's been five weeks since I've seen or heard from Logan. I guess I pissed her off when I didn't text her back. I don't really care.  

I don't have any time to be playing games with her. I have to focus on recording.  

"'Ello?" a high toned voice sing-songs from the door of my room, breaking into my thoughts. 

"Hey, Louis," I say back. 

"What's wrong, Nialler?" he asks, flopping down on the bed next to me. 

"Nothing, Lou," I say, sitting up, "I'm just tired is all."  

Louis raises his eye brows and waits for me to cave in. I look into his eyes and my walls fall immediately.  

"That girl I told you about," I sigh, angry with myself for how easy I give in, "The one from New York. I haven't heard from her and it's just weird for me to sleep with a girl and not have some sort of relationship with her."  

"Maybe you should cave in and call her first, Niall," Louis says, sitting up next to me, "Girls are wierd like that. They want you to call first." 

"I don't think she wants to talk, Lou," I sigh, "I mean, she left the hotel so early in the morning. She's obviously dodging me." 

"I'm sorry, Niall," Louis sighs, patting my back. 

"I don't really know why I care so much," I shrug, "I guess I want to make sure she's okay. I don't know." 

"Well, text her," Louis shrugs. 

I sigh and reach for my phone. Before my fingers touch the screen, it starts to ring. I look at the screen and it finally clicks who's calling after about two rings. 

It's her. It's Logan.  

I turn to Louis and he nods at the phone, incouraging me. I pick up the phone and take a deep breath before pressing the answer button. 

"Hey, Logan," I say, putting on my best Irish charm voice. 

"Niall..." she says quietly. She sounds like she's on the verge of tears. 

"Logan, what's wrong?" I ask. A bad feeling rising in my stomach.  

"Niall, I'm pregnant."

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