I Could Be in Ireland.

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*Niall's point of view.*

The security guards sneak us out of a back entrance. We load up into a car quickly and rush to the hospital.

Logan's eyes slowly closed about five minutes ago and the blood soaking through her pants makes me worry. The driver goes as fast as he can and we get to the nearest hospital in about twenty minutes.

I bolt out of the car, still carrying Logan, and into the hospital. I run to the E.R. and there's a nurse waiting for us. She immediately takes us to a room with a doctor.

They take Logan out of my arms and I'm pushed from the room. I fight extremely hard but it's no use. I have to leave the girl I love in the hands of some stranger.

*An hour later*

I'm sitting in the waiting room when the doctor comes out, a grim look plastered on his face. My stomach sinks and my heart breaks as thousands of awful possibilities zoom through my head.

What if she's not okay? What if the babies aren't okay?

"Mr. Horan," the doctor says, "Your girl friend is going to be okay. We've set her up on a morphine drip and she just needs some rest right now. As for the babies, we're not sure how they will do. We know there's some serious damage to either one or both of them. You must know that if the babies make it through this and are born full-term, there could be some complications when they're born. We're just going to have to play this one by ear, Mr. Horan."

I feel tears sting my eyes as the doctor smiles weakly at me and walks away. How could I have let her hand go? This is all my fault. If I lose her or the babies, I will never forgive myself.

I sink down into the nearest chair and put my face in my hands as fears stream out of my eyes. This is all my fault and I know it.

*Two hours later; Logan's point of view.*

I wake up, slightly confused on where I am. Then, I realize I'm in a hospital and I remember what happened to put me here. I start to panic because of the possible damage it could've done to my unborn children.

I turn my head to the side and see Niall, passed out in a chair next to my bed. I smile lightly at him as a pain shoots through my body, making me gasp. He jerks awake and smiles when he sees that I'm awake too.

"Logan," he smiles, "I'm so happy you're awake."

"Are the babies okay, Niall?" I ask, worry spilling over in my voice.

"We're not sure right now, love," he says, his eyes sad, "The doctor says that even if they do make it to full term, there could be complications with them."

Tears burn my eyes and I turn away from Niall. I cannot believe that I let go of his hand. This would've all been okay if I hadn't let go. I could be half way to Ireland by now.

"I'm so sorry I let go of your hand, Logan," Niall whispers, his voice breaking with emotion.

I turn back to Niall and take his hand. I kiss the back of it lightly to let him know that I am not blaming him in any way, shape, or form.

"This is not your fault, Niall," I say strongly, "And don't you ever, ever think that." 

Niall nods but the guilt in his eyes never leaves. It remains even when he smiles at me.  

"How are you feeling?" he asks, rubbing the back of my hand. 

"Not so hot," I admit with a shrug, "I'll be okay though. I just wish I could say the same for our babies." 

"Lilias," Niall says. A chill runs through my body at the beautiful name but I don't know why he said it. 

"What?" I ask through a smile. 

"Lilias Louise Horan," he smiles, "If one of them is a girl, I want that to be her name. It sounds like the name of a princess and that's exactly what she'll be." 

My heart warms and then breaks. What if we lose Niall's princess? He'll never get over it. I start to cry.  

"Princess," Niall says, taking my hand and scooting into bed with me, "I'm sorry. If you don't Lilias, we can call her Lilie." 

I laugh through my sob and shake my head. "The name is beautiful, a little too much of Louis, though," I joke, "But what if we lose her? What if we lose Lilias?"  

Niall's eyes cloud with tears. He can't handle thinking about that. Neither can I. We don't even know for sure if we'll have a girl yet but we already love the possibility of her.

Before Niall can say anything, a doctor comes into the room. The doctor walks to the side of my bed and smiles at me, his brown eyes looking at me kindly.

"I'm going to check and make sure you aren't bleeding anymore. If you aren't then you and your babies should be in the clear for now," the doctor says.

I nod and squeeze my eyes shut. I'm so terrified. What if I'm still bleeding? Does that mean I'll lose the babies? Lilias? No, no, no.

The doctor goes to the end of the bed. He positions these things to put my feet on and I do. He separates my legs and starts to make sure I'm not bleeding anymore.

I turn to look at Niall and he looks terrified. He's probably thinking the same things that I am. His heart is probably breaking.

The doctor interrupts my thoughts by saying that I can put my legs back down. He smiles and I release a breath that I wasn't aware I was holding.

"There's no more bleeding, Ms. Lockwood," he smiles.

Niall lets out a little squeak and I turn to him, He's crying so I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. We're so relieved that our babies will be safe for another day.

"Have a good day, you two," the doctor smiles and walks out.

I finally let the tears flow as the doctor shuts the door. My babies are going to be okay. Lilias is going to be okay.

"Aiden," I blurt out.

"Wh-what?" Niall stutters through happy sobs.

"Aiden James Horan," I say, wiping my eyes. 

I turn to him and he is smiling, tears still fresh in his eyes. He nods and kisses me lightly. I smile under his lips and pull away.

"We can tell Liam that the middle name is from him," I laugh, smiling.

"Yes, we could," Niall whispers, pressing a kiss to my forehead, "Now, get some rest. You've had a long day and you need it."

I nod and cuddle up to him, careful to not bump my stomach off of anything. He wraps his arms around me loosely and starts to sing random melodies. I fall asleep with a smile, happy that things could've been worse but they aren't.

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