One Shot- Zayn and Carrigan; Finally Mine

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One Shot-  Finally Mine; Carrigan/Zayn/Liam.

*This one shot happens a day before Zayn asks Carrigan to be his girlfriend which is also the day that all the girls go to get Logan's wedding dress. Carrigan, Liam, Louis, and Eleanor are out getting some dinner while everyone else just chills in the Horan House. Enjoy, bbys!<3*

*Zayn's Point of View.*

I look at the text she just sent me and groan aloud. What the bloody hell was that supposed to mean?! It was so vague and evasive. She probably did it because she knew it would confuse the actual fuck out of me. She's tricky like that sometimes.

"Mate?" Harry asks from next to me.

I look up at my curly-haired friend next to me to find him staring at me, his eyebrows pulled together heavily in confusion. With good reason, too. The only sound before I groaned in confusion and frustration was coming from the telly as Harry, Fallon, Niall, Logan and I watch a movie in Niall and Logan's flat.

I look away from Harry and find myself looking down at Harry's brown-eyed girlfriend. She's studying me with interest written all over her face. She probably knows I was texting her best friend because of the stupid grin that was plastered on my face just moments before. Plus, she was the only person I ever seemed to text anymore.

"What's wrong, Zaynie-Poo?" Fallon asks, grinning as she uses the nickname that she knows I hate.

I scowl at her and mutter hateful things under my breath. She quirks her eyebrows at me and raises her hand to her ear, letting me know that she didn't catch anything I just said. that's probably a good thing, to be completely honest.

"Carrigan is just confusing the literal hell out of me," I mumble, my face burning red hot.

I don't know why I'm so embarrassed; everyone in the room already knows how I fancy Carrigan and I've talked to all of them about it at least once before. Maybe it's just the fact that I want Carrigan so badly but she just doesn't seem to want me. Or maybe it's just the fact that, for the first time in a while, I'm the one who has a crush in the group.

"Ooh, Logan, gurl," Fallon exclaims, shooting up from her lounging position on the couch, "Pause the movie for a second. I haven't heard any good Zarrigan drama in so long!"

Logan's laugh fills my ears as I try to comprehend what Fallon just said. "Zarrigan?" I ask, not even able to think about Carrigan through my confusion.

"Yes, boo," Fallon says off-handedly, rolling her eyes, "Your ship name. It's either that or Carryn. Like carryin' a bag. And I don't quite like that one."

Everyone in the room laughs, including me. Sometimes I forget that Fallon was just a fan before we met her an Carrigan in New York and that she still ticks like one, coming up with 'ship names' for every couple.

"But seriously," Fallon says, her eyes serious. "What did my silly friend say to get my Zaynie-Poo all shook up?"

I glare at Fallon again, making her grin at me like the Cheshire Cat. I roll my eyes at her and look back down at the text Carrigan sent me, the few words managing to stir strong mixed emotions deep within me.

"Well," I start slowly, "we were playing the confession game. You know, the one where you confess something and then you either talk about it for a bit or the other person confesses something, ya' know?"

Nods from everyone and interested eyes tell me that I'm okay to continue with my story.

"So, up until her last text, we were just confessing goofy things, ya' know? Things that everyone already knows about us anyways." My stomach starts to stir lightly thinking about continuing the story. "Well, she jut sent me, 'Confession: I think I'm really falling for this guy with the most amazing brown eyes on this whole planet.'"

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