Just Another Morning in the Horan Household.

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*Two Months After Losing the Baby; Logan's Point of View.*

I wake up to a smiling Niall. He hasn't woken up yet but he must be dreaming about something amazing to be smiling the way he is.

I climb carefully out of bed and pad down the hallway of our house in Ireland. About a month ago, Niall had convinced me to move to Mullingar with him. I said yes, we bought a beautiful house and packed up all of my things.

Mullingar is beautiful. It's so green and I love the wide-open spaces. I never had that growing up in New York.

Our house is amazing. It has six giant bedrooms. Niall says we will eventually fill them up but for now we use the extra bedrooms for the boys, their girl friends and their families when they visit because the boys and their girl friends have sort of morphed into my brothers and sisters since I don't have any siblings.

Like now, we have Carrigan, Fallon, Fallon's mom, Louis and Eleanor, and Harry in the house with us. Liam and Zayn are in Mullingar too but they are staying at a bed and breakfast due to our lack of rooms.

The kitchen is huge too because I told Niall that I've always dreamed of being a chef and he made sure that I had everything I needed to cook. It probably didn't hurt that's he's always hungry so supplying me with a big kitchen and food helps him out in the long run.

I start a pot of coffee. I walk to the fridge and pull out a carton of milk. I rub my stomach absent mindedly in the process.

I lost one of my babies a month before moving to Ireland. I thought that would destroy Niall and me but it made us stronger. We have grown so much in the last two months that it's almost unbelievable. It still hurts to think about the baby but Niall and I have our wedding and our other child to keep us occupied.

I hear the coffee pot beep, breaking me out of my deep thoughts. I walk over to it with a cup and pour the coffee into the cup. I get the milk, add it to the coffee and stir it with a spoon. I take a sip and walk out onto the back patio.

The sun is rising over the bright green, rolling hills making the sky a beautiful mix of pink and orange. I smile and settle down into a rocking chair. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. Everything is beautiful in this moment.

*Fallon's Point of View.*

I wake up and find myself in bed next to Harry. My eyes bulge and I push him, making him fall off the bed.

He jumps awake and realizes where he is. He grins and gets up slowly. We're staying in Niall and Logan's house right now but Harry and I are not supposed to be in the same room together.

My mother would flip shit even though I make sure me and Harry don't do anything but sleep at night.

"Love," he whines, grinning, "I wanna go back to sleeeep."

"No, Harry," I say with a set jaw, "You were supposed to leave after we watched the first Harry Potter movie."

Yes, Harry Potter. Sue me for being a nerd.

"Don't pretend like it's all my fault, Fallon," he jokes, trying to climb back into bed.

"Harry!" I hiss, slapping his arm and getting out of bed.

"Okay, okay," he laughs, "I'm going."

He kisses me lightly before leaving my room and creeping back to his. I check the clock on my phone and it says that it's seven-thirty in the morning. I better start getting ready, I'm not quite sure when Logan is wanting to leave the house.

Me, her, Carrigan and Eleanor are all going shopping for her wedding dress today. I'm so excited. I think my mom is going to go with us too since Logan's couldn't be here.

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