One Shot- Niall and Logan; Twittah'!

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*Author's Note; this one shot is set around a month after Logan and Niall lost the baby and about a week after the last one shot. Logan and Niall are just now moving into the house in Ireland so yeah. Read on, bbys!*

*Niall's Point of View.*

I let out a loud groan and settle into the only piece of furniture that's in mine and Logan's new house in Ireland. I hear Logan muttering angrily to herself as she waddles through the front door.

"Niall, would you get your ass off the fucking couch?!" she yells, running a hand through her long, blonde hair.

"I'm hungry, Logan!" I whine, my stomach growling.

Logan's eyes flare with anger and I have to hold back a grin. I love when she's mad. Her brown eyes get either really wide and stormy or really narrow and dark. Her cheeks get red with a furious blush and she stands akimbo, tapping her foot rapidly.

So, it's safe to say that I'm hungry but not as much as I'm saying. I know how much she hates it when I complain about this and she's just too cute when she's mad.

"Niall, you're impossible!" she yells, throwing her arms in the air and storming away.

I chuckle a little as she hurriedly makes her way through the kitchen and out onto the back patio. My eyes are brought back to the front door when two, stumbling boys come through it carrying an ottoman.

"Harry!" Louis yells, tripping on the back of his heel but catching himself, "Stop walking, you blubbering idiot, before I trip and fall!"

Harry laughs and stops walking. Louis' back is to me but I can just imagine the sass-filled glare he's giving Haz. Harry sticks his tongue out at Louis and Lou shakes his head. I stand up from the couch and walk over to the boys.

"An ottoman?" I ask with a laugh, "Is that really the only thing you guys could carry in?"

"Maybe," Louis snaps, "if your fiancee wasn't pregnant she could help too."

My eyes widen and I look in shock at Louis. It's not like him to be like this. Sure, the fans like to think of Louis as the sassy one but, to be honest, Zayn or I are probably more sassy than Louis is.

"What's up yer' arse?" I ask, walking over to the struggling boys and taking the ottoman in my arms.

"I'm stuck here!" Louis yells, throwing his arms into the air and storming from the house.

I look over at Harry. I raise my eyebrows in a questioning manner and Harry shakes his head a little. "Larry rumors. They've picked up significantly since Lou hasn't got to see El in a while. He's just upset and so is she. He wants her to be here with him." Harry explains.

I frown and my shoulders slump a little while I put the ottoman in front of the couch. I feel so bad for Harry and Louis. I mean, sure, all of us boys have our bromance 'shippers' but the Larry shippers are the most...intense. Don't get me wrong, we love all of our fans but sometimes it gets a little crazy.

Out of Harry, Louis and Eleanor, Louis takes it the hardest. Yes, Eleanor is included in that. What I don't think some fans get is that by being all in Louis and Harry's face about Larry, it hurts Eleanor too. I know the Larry shippers don't really care but she's a person too. I just think that the 'Elounor' and 'Larry' shippers should ship quietly.

I know that sounds bad because it seems like I want our fans to hide what they believe but if it hurts any of my best friends or their girlfriends, then I think that they should tone it down. That's probably really confusing but it's whatever.

*Author's note; I better not get any shit from Larry or Elounor shippers on this because, tbh, I'm a Larry shipper now but when I originally wrote this story I was an Elounor shipper and I have to keep with my original feelings. Niall's thoughts above are my thoughts on the Larry/Elounor thing. #sorrynotsorry. Read on, bbys!*

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