The Big Day.

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*Author's note.*

Hey, lovelies. The story's winding down. Thanks to everyone who reads and votes. It really means a lot. I'm not going to bore you with a looonnng author's note again. Hahha. I just wanted you guys to know I loooovvee you and this chapter will be a lot of skipping around from character to character. :) Oh, and this chapter is a long one. Strap in. ;) Read, comment, vote, and share! :) <3


*Three Months Later; Niall's Point of View.*

I wake up to find myself alone in my bed. I yawn hugely and get up, shuffling to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and smile. I'm going to become a husband today and I couldn't be happier.

I brush my teeth, go pee and walk downstairs to a loud kitchen full of the One Direction members. I smile and take a seat at the island. Louis is making breakfast, very messily I might add, Harry's helping, Liam's drinking a cup of tea and reading the paper, and Zayn is sitting next to me, trying to keep a fake smile on his face. 

Ever since that blonde girl kissed Zayn at the club on his birthday, the rumors have been growing. The girl recently took to Twitter and said that her and Zayn had been dating for awhile and that she might even be pregnant. 

Zayn told me that Carrigan has seen all of the rumors and it hasn't helped him out at all. She was so close to talking it out with Zayn when the pregnant rumors surfaced. There was nothing Zayn could say to make her see that he would never do that. I hate seeing my best friend so tore up about something, especially because she's in the house with us for the wedding.

"Where are the girls?" I ask with a yawn as Harry places a plate with a God Knows What Omelet on it, "YESSS. GOD KNOWS WHAT OMELET."

The God Knows What Omelet is an egg omelet with whatever is in the fridge. It's kind of like a breakfast mash up.

"They went out to breakfast and then to get their hair done," Harry says, hurt in his eyes.

Harry and Fallon haven't talked in four months. Ever since Harry and her got into a fight while Harry was drunk, he's been trying to think of ways to get her back. He even dressed up and tried to take her out for dinner when her and Carrigan's flight landed but she refused while on the verge of breaking down into tears.

Poor chap.

"What, they didn't want an omelet?" I ask, stuffing some food in my mouth.

"Logan took one look at it and almost puked in the sink," Zayn laughed.

"It was pretty great," Liam agreed with a laugh from behind his newspaper.

I'm glad that Liam and Zayn are pals again. Liam agreed to back off and get over Carrigan, he finally realized that it wasn't worth putting the band in jeopardy. We were all elated, seeing as we missed Liam dearly.

"That poor girl," Louis said, shaking his head, "She can't even enjoy one of the best things in the world."

We all laughed as I shoveled more omelet into my mouth. Today is going to be a wonderful day. 

*Harry's Point of View.*

I laugh with the boys as we eat breakfast. It's just like old times again, everyone is getting along without a hitch. One Direction is stronger than ever.

"So, Nialler," Zayn says, a slight chuckle still in his voice, "Today's the big day. Are you nervous?"

"I'm more excited than nervous," he says through a mouth-full of omelet, "I just want to marry her. I love her so much."

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