Five Years Later.

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*Niall's Point of View.*

"I just miss you so much, Logie Bear," I sigh to the headstone.

It's never going to be the same. Five years without the love of my life. Five years without feeling her warmth next to me. Five whole years.

"I love you, Logan," I say, finally crying, "Happy birthday."

"Daddy?" a sweet voice says from behind me.

I get out of my crouching position and turn to face the voice. I'm met by a five year old girl who has white blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes.

"Yes, Lilie?" I ask, wiping my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" she asks, coming to my side and taking my hand.

"I just miss your mommy, Princess," I say, picking Lilie up and placing her on my hip.

"Oh," she says, nestling her head in my neck.

Lilias Louise Horan is my saving grace, my miracle. After the doctor's took her away from me, she began breathing again. My princess came back to me. I know in my heart that it was Logan. Logan is our daughter's guardian angel and she brought Lilie back to me.

When Lilie began breathing again, I decided, then and there, and I had to leave One Direction. I couldn't raise my daughter on the road. I knew I needed to be there for her.

The moment I quit, the boys did too. They said there is no One Direction without me. They've been around ever since helping me with Lilie.

"Can you tell Mommy happy birthday, Princess?" I ask Lilie, kissing her cheek.

"Happy birthday, Mommy," she says sweetly, "I love you."

Tears slip out of my eyes and I hug Lilie to my body. Thank the lord for my princess.

"Daddy!" she squeals, "Daddy! It's Uncle Harry and Aunt Fallon!"

I smile and put her down as Harry and Fallon pull up. I give one last look at the headstone and follow my daughter to the black SUV. Lilie waits, bouncing with excitement, for Harry to get out of the car. 

When he does, he runs to her, picks her up and spins her around, making her giggle profusely. I smile and walk to the back door of the car. Fallon smiles up at me and hands me a small, purple bundle.

"Hello, Darcy," I smile down at the little baby girl in the blankets. 

Darcy gurgles at me and I smile. Fallon and Harry sure did make a cute baby. Darcy has Fallon's brown eyes and, even at three months old, a head full of curly hair. I look up from Darcy when I hear another car pulling up.

I smile and walk over to where Harry, Lilie and Fallon are playing and wait for Louis and Eleanor to burst out of the car, followed by a four year old boy.

"Tommy!" Lilie shouts at the boy, holding her arms open for a hug. 

Tommy rushes to her and they hug for a moment before beginning to wrestle. Louis and Eleanor join Harry, Fallon, and me and El takes Darcy out of my arms. 

"Louis," I laugh, "I still cannot believe you named your child Tommy Tomlinson."

Louis laughs and pats me on the back. I look behind Louis and see two cars driving towards us. I smile and wave. The first car is occupied by Liam and his wife, Danielle, and the second is occupied by Carrigan and Zayn who just recently got married.

They cars stop and they all jump out of their cars. They run to us and hug us all. When Lilie sees Zayn, her godfather, she squeals in delight.

"Uncle Zayn!" 

"'Ey!" Zayn yells, running to her and picking her up, "And how's my favorite goddaughter today?"

Lilie laughs and tells him fine. I smile and take a look around. Even though I don't have Logan anymore, I sure to have one hell of a family and that's something to be thankful for.


*Author's Note.*

Well, guys, that's it. Thank you so much for reading and voting. It means the world to me. I love you all and hope that you liked this story. I worked really hard on it. Read, comment, vote, share. :) <3

P.s., that's a picture of Lilias off to the side. Isn't she precious? c: xx

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