꧁ Prologue ⁶ ꧂

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▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ The Annoying Shit gives M/N a "Chore" █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

{ ' ' - thought's | " " speech/talking | ' ' whisper, and I will add more on here (maybe). Also, I will be re-wording some of the stuff they say in the prologue. }

There is going to be some (haha- SoMe more like a shit ton) cursing words in here, so be warned.+

(C/N) → Country Name

(F/F) → Favorite food

(F/F/C) → First favorite color

(S/F/C) → Second favorite color

(F/A) → Favorite animal

(F/N) → Friend name

(H/C) → Hair Color



"What in the great seven is happening in here?" The bird man states, making his presence known to the conscious beings in the room.

"Hm? As you can see, we're just cleaning up. It's so disgusting seeing all these dirty rooms in the dorm." The Male teen states looking to the man in a factly tone.





꧁•⊹٭Second 𝙿𝚘𝚟:٭⊹•꧂

"So you mean to tell me that you, a non-magical teen, made three ghosts follow your commands?" The bird man states, finally putting down the now cold meal in the kitchen. "Hmm, yeah, pretty much," the teen responds while setting the questionable beast on the clean couch. Crowley, now noticing the beast, looks at him with distaste. "Mr. (L/N) may you please tell me why you still have that creature from the ceremony."
"Because Mr. 'Headmaster' I'm a damn teen with no fucking magic and I need to be protected. I'd want to be protected from an unfamiliar place." You explain irritated before sitting down. "Also, he's not an it. He has a name, and his name is Grim."
(M/N) was getting more and more annoyed with the so-called 'Adult'.

"But Mr. (L/N)-." Before he could finish, he was shut up by a shoe. "Don't even try to finish that damn sentence. If it weren't for your incompetentance, those students wouldn't need to deal with beasty over here." You state while pointing towards the cat-like creature.
"Any more stupid ass questions you want me to answer, no? Cool, talk to me tomorrow morning." You were very tired and agitated to continue talking the man in front of you. You start to walk to a clean room with the cat- beast in your arms.
"...Alright Mr. (L/N) I will see you in the morning." The bird man was hesitant in leaving the dorm, knowing an unconscious beast was there.

"Yea, ok, cool, night." Not really caring about the adult on the first floor.



•─────────★•☆Ꮤ𝖊𝖑Ⴚðₘ𝐞 Եօ ᴛʜᴇ 𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 ᏔϴᎡᏞᎠ☆•★────────•

"You said what now bird brain."
You were ready to throw some fucking hands.


The first thing you are met with is the ugly face of the Headmaster. "Mr. Crowley can you kindly back the fuck up?"
"Ah, sorry Mr. (L/N), I sincerely apologize for getting into your personal space." He awkwardly takes a couple of steps back.
After an akward silence, Crowley is the first to speak. "Now then, Mr. (L/N), are you ready for your assignments of the day?"

"...what assignments are you talking about?" You were already starting to get irritated with the man standing right in front of you.

"Did you think you were to live in this dorm rent-free? Goodness no. You need to work for you to stay here."
"Weren't you the one stating you were ever so gracious as to letting a magicless kid like me to stay in a ramshackle dorm like this." You were not even surprised. These Adults are all the same.














This was not intentionally made short but I want to finish this in atleast 14 chapters, so I'm almost there

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