꧁ Prologue ⁸ ꧂

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⌈✧○∘∙.Save the statue or my status?․∙∘○✧⌋

"Pfft, of course he was. Surprisingly enough, most of these Statues are of Rulers, except for maybe one of them."
☆○•. Continuing on .•○☆
"This was the Ruler of Animal kingdom, per say. He was never a judgmental person and welcomed others."
[M/N] takes a brief pause, waiting to see if the fur ball was going to randomly comment again before continuing, "He wasn't originally chosen to be Ruler, it was supposed to be his nephew but with his plan on being the soon to be leader, he ends up replacing his nephew. It comes to show that his hard work paid off. Then again, he used cheap tricks for the position of Ruler of Pride Rock."

"hehe, that's a weird way of explaining the Ruler of the animal kingdom, but then again you're weird enough to keep a tanuki so I guess that explains it." Grim and [M/N] turn around and see two of the boys seen from the ceremony. The one with seemingly fluffy orange hair just smirks before he continues to snicker before being hit on the head by the Blue haired teen beside him. "Mrah! Who you calling a Tanuki?! I am not a Tanuki!" Grim not wanting to let that nickname pass seemingly tries to walk up to the Somewhat shorter male of the two.
Seeing this, [M/N] grabs the broom he left next to one of the Statues and whacks Grim on the head with it. "Mrrah! This is cruelty!" The two boys just stare at each then back a the [H/C] day. "Pfft, Hahaa! You're pretty hilarious! You keep a creature like that around knowing that it attacked you? I would have abandoned it!" The orange haired boy starts laughing before also getting smacked on the head by the Blue haired teen next to him.

"Idiot! Stop making trouble wherever you go, Ace!" The boy now known as Ace just rubs his head. "Ha?! What are you doing then Deuce?! You're the one being loud!" Deuce, noticing what he said looks around seeing some students walking by and looking at them. Feeling embarrassed Duece begins to drag Ace away. "Come on, we gotta get to class." Ace just stares before looking back to [M/N] and waving to him. "Well then, we'll be off. Unlike you two, we actually have classes. But ya'll can keep cleaning away, don't mind us. Buh-byee!" Grim finally seeing Ace walk away gets riled up and shoots fire at him. "You're wrong! I'm gonna get classes too! I'm gonna be the best of the best! I'm gonna be a Wizard!The black carriage doesn't need to take me for me to know that!"
Ace shooting a wind spell to block the fire just grins. "Oh yeah? How can you be so sure Tanuki? You're just a little pet who's only good at following orders!" [M/N] finally finished with cleaning the beauty queens statue turns to see the commotion and panicks. "Oh my fucking god! You two scorched the statue! I just finished polishing it!" Deuce looks to the queen of hearts statue and sees what the teen had meant.

"Oh my Seven, the Queen of hearts! Ace, stop messing around!" Grim kept firing fire towards Ace, "Mraha! How do ya like that? See? My powers are even greater than yours!" Grinning Grim finally hits Ace on his hand, causing the teen to retract his hand in pain. "Shit! You mangy beast look at- ack!" Feeling something wrap around him is dragged to the floor next to Dire Crowley. "Bahaha! That's what you get-! Mrahh!" Grim also getting the same treatment is dragged next to Ace. "Wha, why is it this whip every time."

"You two don't have the right to speak, now as for the other two. You're all getting expelled for Charring such a historic Statue!" Deuce hearing this just looks frightened. "Please no! I didn't do anything-!" Crowley stops duece from finishing his statement."Exactly, you didn't do anything to stop either of these two miscreants from scorching the Statue." [M/N] getting in the way of Crowleys pathway stops him. "Please Sir, It's my fault, don't punish them for my actions. Er- actually punish the orange mop head over there, but not Deuce!" Ace looking offended just shouts "how is it you remember his name but not mine? I only have three letters in mine!" [M/N] and Crowley both ignoring Ace go back to their conversation. "There is one thing you could do. The chandler in the cafeteria has been losing some of its magical power. I need a magic stone, and the only way you can find one is you go to Mt. Dwarf."
"Then I guess that's where we'll go, to Mt. Dwarf." Deuce seemingly also agrees. "But! It has to be here by tomorrow morning. If not, then you all will be expelled." With that, Crowley walks away, leaving the Tanuki and Orange mop head on the floor.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. ( ̄_ ̄|||) I honestly haven't been feeling good and with some kid messing with me at school, I almost got suspended. Got it all sorted out and even caught up with the Twisted Wonderland manga.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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